
Toshiaki Ejima

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15EEShahrel A. Suandi, Tie Sing Tai, Shuichi Enokida, Toshiaki Ejima: Horizontal Human Face Pose Determination Using Pupils and Skin Region Positions. PSIVT 2007: 413-426
14EENguyen Dang Binh, Toshiaki Ejima: A New Approach Dedicated to Hand Gesture Recognition. IEEE ICCI 2006: 62-67
13EENguyen Dang Binh, Toshiaki Ejima: Real-Time hand Gesture Recognition Using Pseudo 3-D Hidden Markov Model. IEEE ICCI 2006: 820-824
12 Nguyen Dang Binh, Shuichi Enokida, Toshiaki Ejima: A New Approach Dedicated To Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition. IPCV 2006: 481-488
11EEAgus Santoso Lie, Ryo Shimomoto, Shohei Sakaguchi, Toshiyuki Ishimura, Shuichi Enokida, Tomohito Wada, Toshiaki Ejima: Gait Recognition Using Spectral Features of Foot Motion. AVBPA 2005: 767-776
10EEAgus Santoso Lie, Shuichi Enokida, Tomohito Wada, Toshiaki Ejima: Magnitude and Phase Spectra of Foot Motion for Gait Recognition. CAIP 2005: 390-397
9 Shahrel A. Suandi, Shuichi Enokida, Toshiaki Ejima: EMoTracker: Eyes and Mouth Tracker Based on Energy Minimization Criterion. ICVGIP 2004: 269-274
8EEShuichi Enokida, Takeshi Ohashi, Takaichi Yoshida, Toshiaki Ejima: Extended Q-Learning: Reinforcement Learning Using Self-Organized State Space. RoboCup 2000: 129-138
7EETakeshi Ohashi, Shuichi Enokida, Junich Minatodani, Kazuhiko Kawamoto, Youji Shigeoka, Takaichi Yoshida, Toshiaki Ejima: KIRC: Kyutech Intelligent Robot Club. RoboCup 2000: 595-598
6 Tsukasa Noma, Kyoji Oishi, Hiroshi Futsuhara, Hiromi Baba, Takeshi Ohashi, Toshiaki Ejima: A motion generator approach to translating human motion from video to animation. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 11(5): 237-248 (2000)
5EETsukasa Noma, Kyoji Oishi, Hiroshi Futsuhara, Hiromi Baba, Takeshi Ohashi, Toshiaki Ejima: Motion Generator Approach to Translating Human Motion from Video to Animation. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 1999: 50-
4 Takeshi Ohashi, Masato Fukuda, Shuichi Enokida, Takaichi Yoshida, Toshiaki Ejima: KIRC: Kyutech Intelligent Robot Cup. RoboCup 1999: 719-722
3 Byung-Woo Min, Ho-Sub Yoon, Jung Soh, Takeshi Ohashi, Toshiaki Ejima: Visual Recognition of Static/Dynamic Gesture: Gesture-Driven Editing System. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 10(3): 291-309 (1999)
2EERafael Santos, Takeshi Ohashi, Takaichi Yoshida, Toshiaki Ejima: Filtering and segmentation of digitized land use map images. IJDAR 1(3): 167-174 (1998)
1 Takeshi Ohashi, Takaichi Yoshida, Toshiaki Ejima: A Real World Oriented Interface Technique Using Computer Vision. HCI (2) 1997: 949-952

Coauthor Index

1Hiromi Baba [5] [6]
2Nguyen Dang Binh [12] [13] [14]
3Shuichi Enokida [4] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [15]
4Masato Fukuda [4]
5Hiroshi Futsuhara [5] [6]
6Toshiyuki Ishimura [11]
7Kazuhiko Kawamoto [7]
8Agus Santoso Lie [10] [11]
9Byung-Woo Min [3]
10Junich Minatodani [7]
11Tsukasa Noma [5] [6]
12Takeshi Ohashi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
13Kyoji Oishi [5] [6]
14Shohei Sakaguchi [11]
15Rafael Santos [2]
16Youji Shigeoka [7]
17Ryo Shimomoto [11]
18Jung Soh [3]
19Shahrel A. Suandi [9] [15]
20Tie Sing Tai [15]
21Tomohito Wada [10] [11]
22Ho-Sub Yoon [3]
23Takaichi Yoshida [1] [2] [4] [7] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)