
Alireza Ebrahimi

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4EEAlireza Ebrahimi, Christina Schweikert, S. Sayeed, S. Parham, H. Akibu, A. Saeed, W. Parris: Website error analysis of colleges and universities on Long Island in New York. SIGCSE Bulletin 39(2): 171-176 (2007)
3EEAlireza Ebrahimi: Web Teaching and Learning Programming Environment Based on Plan Method and Constructs. Education for the 21st Century 2006: 309-313
2EEAlireza Ebrahimi, Christina Schweikert: Empirical study of novice programming with plans and objects. SIGCSE Bulletin 38(4): 52-54 (2006)
1EEAlireza Ebrahimi: Novice programmer errors: language constructs and plan composition. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 41(4): 457-480 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1H. Akibu [4]
2S. Parham [4]
3W. Parris [4]
4A. Saeed [4]
5S. Sayeed [4]
6Christina Schweikert [2] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)