
Wolfgang Ebbers

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4EEWillem Pieterson, Marije Teerling, Wolfgang Ebbers: Channel Perceptions and Usage: Beyond Media Richness Factors. EGOV 2008: 219-230
3EEJan van Dijk, Willem Pieterson, Alexander van Deursen, Wolfgang Ebbers: E-Services for Citizens: The Dutch Usage Case. EGOV 2007: 155-166
2EEAlexander van Deursen, Jan van Dijk, Wolfgang Ebbers: Why E-government Usage Lags Behind: Explaining the Gap Between Potential and Actual Usage of Electronic Public Services in the Netherlands. EGOV 2006: 269-280
1EEWillem Pieterson, Wolfgang Ebbers, Jan van Dijk: The Opportunities and Barriers of User Profiling in the Public Sector. EGOV 2005: 269-280

Coauthor Index

1Alexander van Deursen [2] [3]
2Jan van Dijk [1] [2] [3]
3Willem Pieterson [1] [3] [4]
4Marije Teerling [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)