
Minh Duc Duong

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2EEMinh Duc Duong, Kazuhiko Terashima, Takanori Miyoshi: EMG-moment model of human arm for rehabilitation robot system. ICARCV 2008: 190-195
1EEQuyet Thang Huynh, Phung Hiep Hoang, Minh Duc Duong: Quy Trinh Phat Trien Phan Mem BKSPD Cho Du An Vua va Nho. RIVF 2003: 233-238

Coauthor Index

1Phung Hiep Hoang [1]
2Quyet Thang Huynh [1]
3Takanori Miyoshi [2]
4Kazuhiko Terashima [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)