2009 |
25 | EE | Nicolas Ducheneaut,
Ming-Hui Wen,
Nicholas Yee,
Greg Wadley:
Body and mind: a study of avatar personalization in three virtual worlds.
CHI 2009: 1151-1160 |
2008 |
24 | EE | Victoria Bellotti,
James Bo Begole,
Ed Huai-hsin Chi,
Nicolas Ducheneaut,
Ji Fang,
Ellen Isaacs,
Tracy H. King,
Mark W. Newman,
Kurt Partridge,
Bob Price,
Paul Rasmussen,
Michael Roberts,
Diane J. Schiano,
Alan Walendowski:
Activity-based serendipitous recommendations with the Magitti mobile leisure guide.
CHI 2008: 1157-1166 |
23 | EE | Michael Roberts,
Nicolas Ducheneaut,
James Bo Begole,
Kurt Partridge,
Bob Price,
Victoria Bellotti,
Alan Walendowski,
Paul Rasmussen:
Scalable architecture for context-aware activity-detecting mobile recommendation systems.
WOWMOM 2008: 1-6 |
2007 |
22 | EE | Robert J. Moore,
E. Cabell Hankinson Gathman,
Nicolas Ducheneaut,
Eric Nickell:
Coordinating joint activity in avatar-mediated interaction.
CHI 2007: 21-30 |
21 | EE | Nicolas Ducheneaut,
Nicholas Yee,
Eric Nickell,
Robert J. Moore:
The life and death of online gaming communities: a look at guilds in world of warcraft.
CHI 2007: 839-848 |
20 | EE | Warren Sack,
Françoise Détienne,
Nicolas Ducheneaut,
Jean-Marie Burkhardt,
Dilan Mahendran,
Flore Barcellini:
A Methodological Framework for Socio-Cognitive Analyses of Collaborative Design of Open Source Software
CoRR abs/cs/0703009: (2007) |
19 | EE | Nicolas Ducheneaut,
Robert J. Moore,
Eric Nickell:
Virtual "Third Places": A Case Study of Sociability in Massively Multiplayer Games.
Computer Supported Cooperative Work 16(1-2): 129-166 (2007) |
18 | EE | Robert J. Moore,
Nicolas Ducheneaut,
Eric Nickell:
Doing Virtually Nothing: Awareness and Accountability in Massively Multiplayer Online Worlds.
Computer Supported Cooperative Work 16(3): 265-305 (2007) |
17 | EE | Mark W. Newman,
Nicolas Ducheneaut,
W. Keith Edwards,
Jana Z. Sedivy,
Trevor F. Smith:
Supporting the unremarkable: experiences with the obje Display Mirror.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 11(7): 523-536 (2007) |
2006 |
16 | EE | Stephen Voida,
W. Keith Edwards,
Mark W. Newman,
Rebecca E. Grinter,
Nicolas Ducheneaut:
Share and share alike: exploring the user interface affordances of file sharing.
CHI 2006: 221-230 |
15 | EE | Nicolas Ducheneaut,
Nicholas Yee,
Eric Nickell,
Robert J. Moore:
"Alone together?": exploring the social dynamics of massively multiplayer online games.
CHI 2006: 407-416 |
14 | EE | Yevgeniy Eugene Medynskiy,
Nicolas Ducheneaut,
Ayman Farahat:
Using hybrid networks for the analysis of online software development communities.
CHI 2006: 513-516 |
13 | EE | Nicolas Ducheneaut,
Trevor F. Smith,
James Bo Begole,
Mark W. Newman,
Chris Beckmann:
The orbital browser: composing ubicomp services using only rotation and selection.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 321-326 |
12 | EE | Warren Sack,
Françoise Détienne,
Nicolas Ducheneaut,
Jean-Marie Burkhardt,
Dilan Mahendran,
Flore Barcellini:
A Methodological Framework for Socio-Cognitive Analyses of Collaborative Design of Open Source Software.
Computer Supported Cooperative Work 15(2-3): 229-250 (2006) |
2005 |
11 | EE | Philippe Golle,
Nicolas Ducheneaut:
Keeping bots out of online games.
Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2005: 262-265 |
10 | EE | Amy Voida,
Rebecca E. Grinter,
Nicolas Ducheneaut,
W. Keith Edwards,
Mark W. Newman:
Listening in: practices surrounding iTunes music sharing.
CHI 2005: 191-200 |
9 | | Ramesh Sharda,
Nicolas Ducheneaut,
J. Zhao,
Ashish Gupta,
Ron Weber:
E-Mail Management: A Techno-Managerial Research Perspective.
ICIS 2005 |
8 | EE | Nicolas Ducheneaut:
Socialization in an Open Source Software Community: A Socio-Technical Analysis.
Computer Supported Cooperative Work 14(4): 323-368 (2005) |
7 | EE | Philippe Golle,
Nicolas Ducheneaut:
Preventing bots from playing online games.
Computers in Entertainment 3(3): 3 (2005) |
2004 |
6 | EE | Victoria Bellotti,
Brinda Dalal,
Nathaniel Good,
Peter Flynn,
Daniel G. Bobrow,
Nicolas Ducheneaut:
What a to-do: studies of task management towards the design of a personal task list manager.
CHI 2004: 735-742 |
5 | EE | Nicolas Ducheneaut,
Robert J. Moore:
The social side of gaming: a study of interaction patterns in a massively multiplayer online game.
CSCW 2004: 360-369 |
2003 |
4 | EE | Victoria Bellotti,
Nicolas Ducheneaut,
Mark Howard,
Ian Smith:
Taking email to task: the design and evaluation of a task management centered email tool.
CHI 2003: 345-352 |
2002 |
3 | EE | Victoria Bellotti,
Nicolas Ducheneaut,
Mark Howard,
Ian Smith,
Christine Neuwirth:
Innovation in extremis: evolving an application for the critical work of email and information management.
Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 2002: 181-192 |
2 | EE | Victoria Bellotti,
Nicolas Ducheneaut,
Mark Howard,
Christine Neuwirth,
Ian Smith,
Trevor F. Smith:
FLANNEL: adding computation to electronic mail during transmission.
UIST 2002: 1-10 |
2001 |
1 | EE | Nicolas Ducheneaut,
Victoria Bellotti:
E-mail as habitat: an exploration of embedded personal information management.
Interactions 8(5): 30-38 (2001) |