
Jill L. Drury

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15EEMark Micire, Jill L. Drury, Brenden Keyes, Holly A. Yanco: Multi-touch interaction for robot control. IUI 2009: 425-428
14EEJill L. Drury, Brenden Keyes, Holly A. Yanco: LASSOing HRI: analyzing situation awareness in map-centric and video-centric interfaces. HRI 2007: 279-286
13EEJill L. Drury, Jean Scholtz, David E. Kieras: Adapting GOMS to model human-robot interaction. HRI 2007: 41-48
12EEHolly A. Yanco, Jill L. Drury: Rescuing interfaces: A multi-year study of human-robot interaction at the AAAI Robot Rescue Competition. Auton. Robots 22(4): 333-352 (2007)
11EEHolly A. Yanco, Jill L. Drury: Guest Editors' Introduction: Interacting with Autonomy. IEEE Intelligent Systems 22(2): 16-17 (2007)
10EEHolly A. Yanco, Brenden Keyes, Jill L. Drury, Curtis W. Nielsen, Douglas A. Few, David J. Bruemmer: Evolving interface design for robot search tasks. J. Field Robotics 24(8-9): 779-799 (2007)
9EEJustin Richer, Jill L. Drury: A video game-based framework for analyzing human-robot interaction: characterizing interface design in real-time interactive multimedia applications. HRI 2006: 266-273
8EEJill L. Drury, Holly A. Yanco, Whitney Howell, Brian Minten, Jennifer Casper: Changing shape: improving situation awareness for a polymorphic robot. HRI 2006: 72-79
7EEJill L. Drury, Laurel D. Riek, Nathan Rackliffe: A decomposition of UAV-related situation awareness. HRI 2006: 88-94
6EEJean Scholtz, Holly A. Yanco, Jill L. Drury: Introduction to human-robot interaction. IUI 2006: 20
5EEJill L. Drury, Holly A. Yanco, Jean Scholtz: Using competitions to study human-robot interaction in urban search and rescue. Interactions 12(2): 39-41 (2005)
4EEJill L. Drury, Dan Hestand, Holly A. Yanco, Jean Scholtz: Design guidelines for improved human-robot interaction. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1540
3EEJean Scholtz, Jeff Young, Jill L. Drury, Holly A. Yanco: Evaluation of Human-robot Interaction Awareness in Search and Rescue. ICRA 2004: 2327-2332
2EEHolly A. Yanco, Jill L. Drury: "Where am I?" Acquiring situation awareness using a remote robot platform. SMC (3) 2004: 2835-2840
1EEHolly A. Yanco, Jill L. Drury: Classifying human-robot interaction: an updated taxonomy. SMC (3) 2004: 2841-2846

Coauthor Index

1David J. Bruemmer [10]
2Jennifer Casper [8]
3Douglas A. Few [10]
4Dan Hestand [4]
5Whitney Howell [8]
6Brenden Keyes [10] [14] [15]
7David E. Kieras [13]
8Mark Micire [15]
9Brian Minten [8]
10Curtis W. Nielsen [10]
11Nathan Rackliffe [7]
12Justin Richer [9]
13Laurel D. Riek [7]
14Jean Scholtz [3] [4] [5] [6] [13]
15Holly A. Yanco [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15]
16Jeff Young [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)