
Qiang Gu

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5EEKian Meng Yap, Alan Marshall, Wai Yu, G. Dodds, Qiang Gu, Rima Tfaily Souayed: Characterising Distributed Haptic Virtual Environment Network Traffic Flows. Net-Con 2005: 297-310
4EEQiang Gu, Alan Marshall: Network management performance analysis and scalability tests: SNMP vs. CORBA. NOMS (1) 2004: 701-714
3EERima Tfaily Souayed, Dominique Gaïti, Guy Pujolle, Wai Yu, Qiang Gu, Alan Marshall: Haptic Virtual Environment Performance over IP Networks: A Case Study. DS-RT 2003: 181-189
2EEQiang Gu, Alan Marshall: Using CORBA's Advanced Services to Enhance the Integrity of QoS Management Programmable Networks. MMNS 2002: 140-153
1 Fuliang Weng, Qi Lu, Lide Wu, Qiang Gu: Fractal Curve and Attribute Grammar. Pattern Recognition 1988: 567-576

Coauthor Index

1G. Dodds [5]
2Dominique Gaïti [3]
3Qi Lu [1]
4Alan Marshall [2] [3] [4] [5]
5Guy Pujolle [3]
6Rima Tfaily Souayed [3] [5]
7Fuliang Weng [1]
8Lide Wu [1]
9Kian Meng Yap [5]
10Wai Yu [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)