2009 |
43 | EE | Susan Darling Urban,
Yang Xiao,
Luther Blake,
Suzanne W. Dietrich:
Monitoring data dependencies in concurrent process execution through delta-enabled grid services.
IJWGS 5(1): 85-106 (2009) |
2007 |
42 | EE | Susan Darling Urban,
Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Yi Chen:
An XML Framework for Integrating Continuous Queries, Composite Event Detection, and Database Condition Monitoring for Multiple Data Streams.
Event Processing 2007 |
41 | EE | Ying Jin,
Susan Darling Urban,
Suzanne W. Dietrich:
A concurrent rule scheduling algorithm for active rules.
Data Knowl. Eng. 60(3): 530-546 (2007) |
2006 |
40 | EE | Yang Xiao,
Susan Darling Urban,
Suzanne W. Dietrich:
A Process History Capture System for Analysis of Data Dependencies in Concurrent Process Execution.
DEECS 2006: 152-166 |
39 | EE | Susan Darling Urban,
Ingrid Biswas,
Suzanne W. Dietrich:
Filtering Features for a Composite Event Definition Language.
SAINT 2006: 86-89 |
38 | EE | Ying Jin,
Susan Darling Urban,
Suzanne W. Dietrich:
Extending the OBJECTIVE Benchmark for Evaluation of Active Rules in a Distributed Component Integration Environment.
J. Database Manag. 17(4): 47-69 (2006) |
37 | EE | Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Rohini Patil,
Amy Sundermier,
Susan Darling Urban:
Component adaptation for event-based application integration using active rules.
Journal of Systems and Software 79(12): 1725-1734 (2006) |
2005 |
36 | EE | Hua Ma,
Susan Darling Urban,
Yang Xiao,
Suzanne W. Dietrich:
GridPML: A Process Modeling Language and History Capture System for Grid Service Composition.
ICEBE 2005: 433-440 |
35 | | Susan Darling Urban,
Vikram V. Kumar,
Suzanne W. Dietrich:
A Prototype for Integration of Web Services into the Irules Approach to Component Integration.
ICEIS (1) 2005: 3-10 |
34 | EE | Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Susan Darling Urban,
Hua Ma,
Yang Xiao,
Shama Patel:
Exploring XML for data exchange in the context of an undergraduate database curriculum.
SIGCSE 2005: 53-57 |
2004 |
33 | | Susan Darling Urban,
Sunitha Kambhampati,
Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Ying Jin,
Amy Sundermier:
An Event Processing System for Rule-Based Component Integration.
ICEIS (1) 2004: 312-319 |
2003 |
32 | EE | Susan Darling Urban,
Suzanne W. Dietrich:
Using UML class diagrams for a comparative analysis of relational, object-oriented, and object-relational database mappings.
SIGCSE 2003: 21-25 |
31 | EE | Susan Darling Urban,
Taoufik Ben Abdellatif,
Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Amy Sundermier:
Delta Abstractions: A Technique for Managing Database States in Runtime Debugging of Active Database Rules.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 15(3): 597-612 (2003) |
2002 |
30 | EE | Ying Jin,
Susan Darling Urban,
Amy Sundermier,
Suzanne W. Dietrich:
An Execution and Transaction Model for Active, Rule-Based Component Integration Middleware.
EDCIS 2002: 403-417 |
29 | EE | Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Susan Darling Urban,
Ion Kyriakides:
JDBC demonstration courseware using Servlets and Java Server Pages.
SIGCSE 2002: 266-270 |
2001 |
28 | | Susan Darling Urban,
Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Yinghui Na,
Ying Jin,
Amy Sundermier,
Akash Saxena:
The IRules Project - Using Active Rules for the Integration of Distributed Software Components.
DS-9 2001: 255-275 |
27 | EE | Susan Darling Urban,
Suzanne W. Dietrich:
Advanced database concepts for undergraduates: experience with teaching a second course.
SIGCSE 2001: 357-361 |
26 | EE | Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Dan Suceava,
Chakrapani Cherukuri,
Susan Darling Urban:
A reusable graphical user interface for manipulating object-oriented databases using Java and XML.
SIGCSE 2001: 362-366 |
25 | | Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Susan Darling Urban,
Amy Sundermier,
Yinghui Na,
Ying Jin,
Sunitha Kambhampati:
A language and framework for supporting an active approach to component-based software integration.
Informatica (Slovenia) 25(4): (2001) |
24 | EE | Susan Darling Urban,
Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Akash Saxena,
Amy Sundermier:
Interconnection of Distributed Components: An Overview of Current Middleware Solutions.
J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng. 1(1): 23-31 (2001) |
1999 |
23 | EE | Amy Sundermier,
Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Vandana Shah:
An Active Database Approach to Integrating Black-Box Software Components.
COMPSAC 1999: 403-409 |
22 | EE | Babu Siddabathuni,
Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Susan Darling Urban:
An AQUA-Based Intermediate Language for Evaluating an Active Deductive Object-Oriented Language.
PADL 1999: 164-178 |
21 | | Susan Darling Urban,
Michael K. Tschudi,
Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Anton P. Karadimce:
Active Rule Termination Analysis: An Implementation and Evaluation of the Refined Triggering Graph Method.
J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 12(1): 27-60 (1999) |
1997 |
20 | | Amy Sundermier,
Taoufik Ben Abdellatif,
Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Susan Darling Urban:
Object Deltas in an Active Database Development Environment.
DOOD 1997: 211-228 |
19 | | Michael K. Tschudi,
Susan Darling Urban,
Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Anton P. Karadimce:
An Implenentation and Evaluation of the Refined Triggering Graph Method for Active Rule Termination Analysis.
Rules in Database Systems 1997: 133-148 |
18 | | Hon Wai Rene Chan,
Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Susan Darling Urban:
On Control Flow Testing of Active Rules in a Declarative Object-Oriented Framework.
Rules in Database Systems 1997: 165-180 |
17 | EE | Susan Darling Urban,
Suzanne W. Dietrich:
Integrating the practical use of a database product into a theoretical curriculum.
SIGCSE 1997: 121-125 |
16 | EE | Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Eric Eckert,
Kevin Piscator:
WinRDBI: a Windows-based relational database educational tool.
SIGCSE 1997: 126-130 |
15 | EE | Susan Darling Urban,
Anton P. Karadimce,
Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Taoufik Ben Abdellatif,
Hon Wai Rene Chan:
CDOL: A Comprehensive Declarative Object Language.
Data Knowl. Eng. 22(1): 67-111 (1997) |
14 | | Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Changguan Fan:
On the Completeness of Naive Memoing in Prolog.
New Generation Comput. 15(2): 141-162 (1997) |
1996 |
13 | EE | Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Susan Darling Urban:
Database theory in practice: learning from cooperative group projects.
SIGCSE 1996: 112-116 |
12 | EE | Norman Wilde,
Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Frank W. Calliss:
Designing Knowledge-Base Tools for Program Comprehension: a Comparison of EDATS & IMCA.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 6(4): 699-716 (1996) |
11 | | Alexander Jähne,
Susan Darling Urban,
Suzanne W. Dietrich:
PEARD: A Prototype Environment for Active Rule Debugging.
J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 7(2): 111-128 (1996) |
10 | | Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Changguan Fan,
Enrique Cortes-Rello:
An Application of Fragmentation Transparency in a Distributed Database System: A Case Study.
Journal of Systems and Software 35(3): 185-197 (1996) |
9 | EE | Susan Darling Urban,
Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Forouzan Golshani:
Database Research at Arizona State University.
SIGMOD Record 25(1): 99-104 (1996) |
1994 |
8 | | John V. Harrison,
Suzanne W. Dietrich:
Incremental View Maintenance.
Australasian Database Conference 1994: 45-63 |
1993 |
7 | | John V. Harrison,
Suzanne W. Dietrich:
Integrating Active and Deductive Rules.
Rules in Database Systems 1993: 288-305 |
1992 |
6 | | John V. Harrison,
Suzanne W. Dietrich:
Maintenance of Materialized Views in a Deductive Database: An Update Propagation Approach.
Workshop on Deductive Databases, JICSLP 1992: 56-65 |
5 | | Suzanne W. Dietrich,
M. Brown,
Enrique Cortes-Rello,
S. Wunderlin:
A Practitioner's Introduction to Database Performance Benchmarks and Measurements.
Comput. J. 35(4): 322-331 (1992) |
4 | EE | Suzanne W. Dietrich,
Susan Darling Urban,
John V. Harrison,
Anton P. Karadimce:
A DOOD RANCH at ASU: Integrating Active, Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 15(1-4): 40-43 (1992) |
3 | | Suzanne W. Dietrich:
Shortest Path by Approximation in Logic Programs.
LOPLAS 1(2): 119-137 (1992) |
2 | | Changguan Fan,
Suzanne W. Dietrich:
Extension Table Built-ins for Prolog.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 22(7): 573-597 (1992) |
1987 |
1 | | Suzanne W. Dietrich:
Extension Tables: Memo Relations in Logic Programming.
SLP 1987: 264-272 |