
Jean-Marc Fedou

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16EESrecko Brlek, Xavier Provençal, Jean-Marc Fedou: On the tiling by translation problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 157(3): 464-475 (2009)
15EEMaylis Delest, Jean-Marc Fedou, Guy Melançon: A Quality Measure for Multi-Level Community Structure. SYNASC 2006: 63-68
14EEEnrica Duchi, Jean-Marc Fedou, Simone Rinaldi: From object grammars to ECO systems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 314(1-2): 57-95 (2004)
13 I. Dutour, Jean-Marc Fedou: Object grammars and bijections. Theor. Comput. Sci. 290(3): 1915-1929 (2003)
12EEElena Barcucci, Alberto Del Lungo, Jean-Marc Fedou, Renzo Pinzani: Steep polyominoes, q-Motzkin numbers and q-Bessel functions. Discrete Mathematics 189(1-3): 21-42 (1998)
11EEI. Dutour, Jean-Marc Fedou: Object grammars and random generation. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 2(1): 47-61 (1998)
10EEMireille Bousquet-Mélou, Jean-Marc Fedou: The generating function of convex polyominoes: The resolution of a q-differential system. Discrete Mathematics 137(1-3): 53-75 (1995)
9EEJean-Marc Fedou: Sur les fonctions de Bessel. Discrete Mathematics 139(1-3): 473-480 (1995)
8EEJean-Marc Fedou, Don Rawlings: Statistics on pairs of permutations. Discrete Mathematics 143(1-3): 31-45 (1995)
7EEJean-Marc Fedou, Don Rawlings: More Statistics on Permutation Pairs. Electr. J. Comb. 1: (1994)
6 Maylis Delest, Jean-Marc Fedou, Guy Melançon, N. Rouillon: CalICo, a visual tool for combinatorial mathematics. VL 1993: 379-380
5EEMarie-Pierre Delest, Jean-Marc Fedou: Enumeration of skew Ferrers diagrams. Discrete Mathematics 112(1-3): 65-79 (1993)
4 Marie-Pierre Delest, Jean-Marc Fedou: Attibute Grammars are Useful for Combinatorics. Theor. Comput. Sci. 98(1): 65-76 (1992)
3 Maylis Delest, Jean-Marc Fedou: Introduction aux polyèdres en combinatoire d'apres E. Ehrhart et R. Stanley. ITA 25: 273-292 (1991)
2 Marie-Pierre Delest, Jean-Marc Fedou: Counting Polyominoes Using Attribute Grammars. WAGA 1990: 46-60
1 Marie-Pierre Delest, Jean-Marc Fedou: Labeled Trees and Relations on Generating Functions. TAPSOFT, Vol.1 1989: 193-206

Coauthor Index

1Elena Barcucci [12]
2Mireille Bousquet-Mélou [10]
3Srecko Brlek [16]
4Marie-Pierre Delest [1] [2] [4] [5]
5Maylis Delest [3] [6] [15]
6Enrica Duchi [14]
7I. Dutour [11] [13]
8Alberto Del Lungo [12]
9Guy Melançon [6] [15]
10Renzo Pinzani [12]
11Xavier Provençal [16]
12Don Rawlings [7] [8]
13Simone Rinaldi [14]
14N. Rouillon [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)