
Marc Davio

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15EEMaciej J. Ciesielski, Jia-Jye Shen, Marc Davio: A Unified Approach to Input-Output Encoding for FSM State Assignment. DAC 1991: 176-181
14 F. Crowet, Marc Davio, C. Dierieck, J. Durieu, G. Louis, Chantal Ykman-Couvreur: PHIFACT, a Boolean Preprocessor for Multi-Level Logic Synthesis. ICCAD 1990: 506-509
13EEJean-Jacques Quisquater, Yvo Desmedt, Marc Davio: The Importance of "Good" Key Scheduling Schemes (How to Make a Secure DES Scheme with <= 48 Bit Keys). CRYPTO 1985: 537-542
12EEPeter J. M. van Laarhoven, Emile H. L. Aarts, Marc Davio: PHIPLA-a new algorithm for logic minimization. DAC 1985: 739-743
11 Marc Davio, Christian Ronse: Insertion Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 34(6): 565-570 (1985)
10EEMarc Davio, Yvo Desmedt, Jo Goubert, Frank Hoornaert, Jean-Jacques Quisquater: Efficient Hardware and Software Implementations for the DES. CRYPTO 1984: 144-146
9EEYvo Desmedt, Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Marc Davio: Dependence of Output on Input in DES: Small Avalanche Characteristics. CRYPTO 1984: 359-376
8EEMarc Davio, Yvo Desmedt, Jean-Jacques Quisquater: Propagation Characteristics of the DES. EUROCRYPT 1984: 62-73
7 Marc Davio, Yvo Desmedt, Marc Fosseprez, René Govaerts, Jan Hulsbosch, Patrik Neutjens, Philippe Piret, Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Joos Vandewalle, Pascal Wouters: Analytical Characteristics of the DES. CRYPTO 1983: 171-202
6EEMarc Davio: Jean-Marie Goethals, Jean-Jacques Quisquater: Authentication Procedures. EUROCRYPT 1982: 283-288
5 Marc Davio: Kronecker Products and Shuffle Algebra. IEEE Trans. Computers 30(2): 116-125 (1981)
4 Marc Davio, Jean-Pierre Deschamps: Synthesis of Discrete Functions Using I2L Technology. IEEE Trans. Computers 30(9): 653-661 (1981)
3 Marc Davio: Read-Only Memory Implementation of Discrete Function. IEEE Trans. Computers 29(10): 931-934 (1980)
2 Tich T. Dao, Marc Davio, Colette Gossart: Complex Number Arithmetic with Odd-Valued Logic. IEEE Trans. Computers 29(7): 604-611 (1980)
1 Marc Davio, G. Bioul: Interconnection Structure of Injective Counters Composed Entirely of JK Flip-Flps Information and Control 33(4): 304-332 (1977)

Coauthor Index

1Emile H. L. Aarts [12]
2G. Bioul [1]
3Maciej J. Ciesielski [15]
4F. Crowet [14]
5Tich T. Dao [2]
6Jean-Pierre Deschamps [4]
7Yvo Desmedt [7] [8] [9] [10] [13]
8C. Dierieck [14]
9J. Durieu [14]
10Marc Fosseprez [7]
11Colette Gossart [2]
12Jo Goubert [10]
13René Govaerts [7]
14Frank Hoornaert [10]
15Jan Hulsbosch [7]
16Peter J. M. van Laarhoven [12]
17G. Louis [14]
18Patrik Neutjens [7]
19Philippe Piret [7]
20Jean-Jacques Quisquater [7] [8] [9] [10] [13]
21Christian Ronse [11]
22Jia-Jye Shen [15]
23Joos Vandewalle [7]
24Pascal Wouters [7]
25Chantal Ykman-Couvreur [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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