
Thanasis Daradoumis

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29EEFatos Xhafa, Thanasis Daradoumis, Leonard Barolli, Raul Fernandez, Santi Caballé, Vladi Kolici: Efficient Peer Selection in P2P JXTA-Based Platforms. AINA 2008: 1013-1020
28EESanti Caballé, Fatos Xhafa, Thanasis Daradoumis, Ajith Abraham: Efficient Interaction Analysis for an Effective Provision of Knowledge about the Discussion Process to CSCL Practices. CISIM 2008: 269-274
27EELuis A. Casillas, Thanasis Daradoumis: A Quantitative Treatment to Data from Computer-Supported Collaboration: An Ontological Approach. CISIS 2008: 226-232
26EEAngel A. Juan, Thanasis Daradoumis, Javier Faulin, Fatos Xhafa: Developing an Information System for Monitoring Student's Activity in Online Collaborative Learning. CISIS 2008: 270-275
25EEFatos Xhafa, Leonard Barolli, Raul Fernandez, Thanasis Daradoumis, Santi Caballé, Vladi Kolici: Extending JXTA Protocols for P2P File Sharing Systems. CISIS 2008: 35-40
24EEFatos Xhafa, Enric Jaén Villoldo, Thanasis Daradoumis, Leonard Barolli: Evaluation of Clustering Techniques for Efficient Searching in JXTA-based P2P Systems. CISIS 2008: 466-471
23EELuis A. Casillas, Thanasis Daradoumis: Towards the Construction of a Multi-agent Approach for Discovering the Meaning of Natural Language Collaborative Conversations. CISIS 2008: 477-480
22EEGustavo Gutiérrez-Carreón, Thanasis Daradoumis, Josep Jorba: Toward a Semantic Approach for Automatic Composition of Learning Grid Services. CISIS 2008: 940-945
21EEFatos Xhafa, Leonard Barolli, Raul Fernandez, Thanasis Daradoumis, Santi Caballé: Extension and evaluation of JXTA protocols for supporting reliable P2P distributed computing. IJWIS 4(1): 121-135 (2008)
20EEClaudi Paniagua, Fatos Xhafa, Thanasis Daradoumis: Gridifying IBM's Generic Log Adapter to Speed-Up the Processing of Log Data. CISIS 2007: 257-262
19EESanti Caballé, Fatos Xhafa, Thanasis Daradoumis, Joan Esteve, Leonard Barolli, Arjan Durresi: Using a Grid Platform for Enabling Real Time User Modeling in On-line Campus. CISIS 2007: 35-42
18EESanti Caballé, Thanasis Daradoumis, Fatos Xhafa: Efficient Embedding of Information and Knowledge into CSCL Applications. Edutainment 2007: 548-559
17EEFatos Xhafa, Leonard Barolli, Raul Fernandez, Thanasis Daradoumis: An Experimental Study on Peer Selection in a P2P Network over PlanetLab. ICPP Workshops 2007: 3
16EEFatos Xhafa, Raul Fernandez, Thanasis Daradoumis, Leonard Barolli, Santi Caballé: Improvement of JXTA Protocols for Supporting Reliable Distributed Applications in P2P Systems. NBiS 2007: 345-354
15EESanti Caballé, Fatos Xhafa, Thanasis Daradoumis: A Service-Oriented Platform for the Enhancement and Effectiveness of the Collaborative Learning Process in Distributed Environments. OTM Conferences (2) 2007: 1280-1287
14EEGustavo Gutiérrez-Carreón, Thanasis Daradoumis, Josep Jorba: A Conceptual Model for Grid Learning Services Automatic Composition. OTM Workshops (1) 2007: 40-41
13EESanti Caballé, Fatos Xhafa, Thanasis Daradoumis, Raul Fernandez: Enabling Efficient Real Time User Modeling in On-Line Campus. User Modeling 2007: 365-369
12EEJoan Manuel Marquès, Xavier Vilajosana, Thanasis Daradoumis, Leandro Navarro: LaCOLLA: Middleware for Self-Sufficient Online Collaboration. IEEE Internet Computing 11(2): 56-64 (2007)
11EEThanasis Daradoumis, Luis A. Casillas: A Neural Approach for Modeling the Inference of Awareness in Computer-Supported Collaboration. EC-TEL 2006: 464-469
10EEGustavo Gutiérrez-Carreón, Thanasis Daradoumis, Josep Jorba: Semantic Description of Grid Based Learning Services. ISPA Workshops 2006: 509-518
9EEThanasis Daradoumis, Alejandra Martínez-Monés, Fatos Xhafa: A layered framework for evaluating on-line collaborative learning interactions. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 64(7): 622-635 (2006)
8EESanti Caballé, Claudi Paniagua, Fatos Xhafa, Thanasis Daradoumis: A Grid-Aware Implementation for Providing Effective Feedback to On-Line Learning Groups. OTM Workshops 2005: 274-283
7EESanti Caballé, Fatos Xhafa, Thanasis Daradoumis, Joan Manuel Marquès: Towards a generic platform for developing CSCL applications using Grid infrastructure. CCGRID 2004: 200-207
6EEThanasis Daradoumis, Alejandra Martínez-Monés, Fatos Xhafa: An Integrated Approach for Analysing and Assessing the Performance of Virtual Learning Groups. CRIWG 2004: 289-304
5EEFatos Xhafa, Santi Caballé, Thanasis Daradoumis, Nan Zhou: A Grid-Based Approach for Processing Group Activity Log Files. OTM Workshops 2004: 175-186
4EEJoan Manuel Marquès, Leandro Navarro, Thanasis Daradoumis: Extending the Scope of Asynchronous Collaboration: A Matter of Being Autonomous and Self-Sufficient. WETICE 2004: 87-92
3EEThanasis Daradoumis, Fatos Xhafa, Joan Manuel Marquès: Exploring Interaction Behaviour and Performance of Online Collaborative Learning Teams. CRIWG 2003: 126-134
2 Thanasis Daradoumis, Montse Guitert, Ferran Giménez, Joan Manuel Marquès, T. Lloret: Supporting the Composition of Effective Virtual Groups for Collaborative Learning. ICCE 2002: 332-336
1 Thanasis Daradoumis: Towards a Representation of the Rhetorical Structure of Interrupted Exchanges. EWNLG 1993: 106-124

Coauthor Index

1Ajith Abraham [28]
2Leonard Barolli [16] [17] [19] [21] [24] [25] [29]
3Santi Caballé [5] [7] [8] [13] [15] [16] [18] [19] [21] [25] [28] [29]
4Luis A. Casillas [11] [23] [27]
5Arjan Durresi [19]
6Joan Esteve [19]
7Javier Faulin [26]
8Raul Fernandez [13] [16] [17] [21] [25] [29]
9Ferran Giménez [2]
10Montse Guitert [2]
11Gustavo Gutiérrez-Carreón [10] [14] [22]
12Josep Jorba [10] [14] [22]
13Angel A. Juan [26]
14Vladi Kolici [25] [29]
15T. Lloret [2]
16Joan Manuel Marquès [2] [3] [4] [7] [12]
17Alejandra Martínez-Monés [6] [9]
18Leandro Navarro-Moldes (Leandro Navarro) [4] [12]
19Claudi Paniagua [8] [20]
20Xavier Vilajosana [12]
21Enric Jaén Villoldo [24]
22Fatos Xhafa [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [24] [25] [26] [28] [29]
23Nan Zhou [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)