
Dominique Dallet

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6EEGuillaume Ferré, Maher Jridi, Lilian Bossuet, Bertrand Le Gal, Dominique Dallet: A new orthogonal online digital calibration for time-interleaved analog-to-digital converters. ISCAS 2008: 576-579
5EEA. A. Mariano, B. Boumballa, Dominique Dallet, Yann Deval, Jean-Baptiste Begueret: High-speed CMOS analog-to-digital converter for front-end receiver applications. SBCCI 2007: 27-30
4EEV. Fresnaud, Lilian Bossuet, Dominique Dallet, Serge Bernard, J. M. Janik, B. Agnus, Philippe Cauvet, Ph. Gandy: A Low Cost Alternative Method for Harmonics Estimation in a BIST Context. European Test Symposium 2006: 193-198
3EEA. A. Mariano, Dominique Dallet, Yann Deval, Jean-Baptiste Begueret: 4GHz continuous-time bandpass delta-sigma modulator for directly high IF A/D conversion. SBCCI 2006: 103-107
2EEGuillaume Monnerie, Noëlle Lewis, Dominique Dallet, H. Levi, M. Robbe: Modelling of transient noise sources with VHDL-AMS and normative spectral interpretation. FDL 2003: 108-120
1EEC. Rebai, Dominique Dallet, Philippe Marchegay: High order 1-bit digital sigma delta modulation for on chip analogue signal sources. ISCAS (1) 2003: 913-916

Coauthor Index

1B. Agnus [4]
2Jean-Baptiste Begueret [3] [5]
3Serge Bernard [4]
4Lilian Bossuet [4] [6]
5B. Boumballa [5]
6Philippe Cauvet [4]
7Yann Deval [3] [5]
8Guillaume Ferré [6]
9V. Fresnaud [4]
10Bertrand Le Gal [6]
11Ph. Gandy [4]
12J. M. Janik [4]
13Maher Jridi [6]
14H. Levi [2]
15Noëlle Lewis [2]
16Philippe Marchegay [1]
17A. A. Mariano [3] [5]
18Guillaume Monnerie [2]
19C. Rebai [1]
20M. Robbe [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)