
Noëlle Lewis

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3EEGuilherme Bontorin, Colin Lopez, Yannick Bornat, Noëlle Lewis, Sylvie Renaud, Mathieu C. Garenne, Gwendal Le Masson: A real-time setup for multisite signal recording and processing in living neural networks. ISCAS 2008: 2953-2956
2EENoëlle Lewis, Guillaume Monnerie, L. Lewis, Jocelyn Sabatier, Pierre Melchior: Automatic procedure generating noise models for discrete-time applications. ISCAS 2006
1EEGuillaume Monnerie, Noëlle Lewis, Dominique Dallet, H. Levi, M. Robbe: Modelling of transient noise sources with VHDL-AMS and normative spectral interpretation. FDL 2003: 108-120

Coauthor Index

1Guilherme Bontorin [3]
2Yannick Bornat [3]
3Dominique Dallet [1]
4Mathieu C. Garenne [3]
5H. Levi [1]
6L. Lewis [2]
7Colin Lopez [3]
8Gwendal Le Masson [3]
9Pierre Melchior [2]
10Guillaume Monnerie [1] [2]
11Sylvie Renaud [3]
12M. Robbe [1]
13Jocelyn Sabatier [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)