IWAC 2005:
Jean-François Boujut (Ed.):
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Annotation for Collaboration - Methods, Tools and Practices, La Sorbonne, Paris, France, 2005, November 23-24.
CNRS - Programme société de l'information 2005 BibTeX
- Daniela Fogli, Giuseppe Fresta, Piero Mussio, Andrea Marcante, Marco Padula:
Annotation in cooperative work: from paper-based to the web one.
1-10 BibTeX
- Chris Baber, James Cross, Fan Yang, Paul Smith:
Supporting Shared Analysis for Mobile Investigators.
11-20 BibTeX
- Sandra Bringay, Catherine Barry, Jean Charlet:
A specific tool of Annotations for the Electronic Health Record.
21-30 BibTeX
- Guillaume Cabanac, Max Chevalier, Claude Chrisment, Christine Julien:
A Social Validation of Collaborative Annotations on Digital Documents.
31-40 BibTeX
- Gaëlle Lortal, Myriam Lewkowicz, Amalia Todirascu-Courtier:
Annotation: textual media for cooperation.
41-50 BibTeX
- Simon Buckingham Shum:
Negotiating the Formalization Gulf in Collaborative Semantic Annotation.
51-52 BibTeX
- Catherine Comparot, Rosa Hamrani:
Viewpoints exchange through document units authoring to support pedagogical resources co-design.
53-60 BibTeX
- Sylvie Guibert, Jean-François Boujut, Françoise Darses:
Using annotations in engineering design: some results from an experimental study.
61-71 BibTeX
- Eswaran Subrahmanian, Ira Monarch:
Annotations and collaboration: One in service of the other.
73-82 BibTeX
- Chris McMahon, Danny Davies:
The Use of Mark-Up in Computer-Aided Design and Lessons for Text Documents.
83-90 BibTeX
- Maristella Agosti, Hanne Albrechtsen, Nicola Ferro, Ingo Frommholz, Preben Hansen, Nicola Orio, Emanuele Panizzi, Annelise Mark Pejtersen, Ulrich Thiel:
DiLAS: a Digital Library Annotation Service.
91-101 BibTeX
- Elöd Egyed-Zsigmond, Zoltán Iszlai:
A CBR Based online image management system.
103-111 BibTeX
- Yves Keraron, Alain Bernard, Bruno Bachimont:
Annotation functionalities to enable an improved use of digital technical publication.
113-121 BibTeX
- Barthélémy Longueville:
KINOA: a collaborative annotation tool for engineering teams.
123-132 BibTeX
- Alexandre Passant, Philippe Laublet, François-Xavier Testard-Vaillant:
Annotations and Collaborative Work: A Corporate Approach.
133-142 BibTeX
- Gian Piero Zarri:
Semantic/Conceptual Annotation Making Use of the NKRL Technology.
143-152 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:27:03 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)