
Décio Krause

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9EENewton C. A. da Costa, Décio Krause: Logical and Philosophical Remarks on Quasi-Set Theory. Logic Journal of the IGPL 15(5-6): 421-431 (2007)
8EEJean-Yves Béziau, Décio Krause: New trends in the foundations of science. Synthese 154(3): 345-347 (2007)
7EEDécio Krause, Steven French: Quantum sortal predicates. Synthese 154(3): 417-430 (2007)
6EEDécio Krause: Structures and Structural Realism. Logic Journal of the IGPL 13(1): 113-126 (2005)
5EEDécio Krause, Emerson Faria Nobre, Martin A. Musicante: Bibel's Matrix Connection Method in Paraconsistent Logic: General Concepts and Implementation. SCCC 2001: 161-167
4EEDécio Krause, Jean-Yves Béziau: Relativizations of the Principle of Identity. Logic Journal of the IGPL 5(3): (1997)
3 Newton C. A. da Costa, Décio Krause: An Intenstional Schrödinger Logic. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 38(2): 179-194 (1997)
2 Newton C. A. da Costa, Décio Krause: Schrödinger logics. Studia Logica 53(4): 533-550 (1994)
1 Décio Krause: On a Quasi-Set Theory. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 33(3): 402-411 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Yves Béziau [4] [8]
2Newton C. A. da Costa [2] [3] [9]
3Steven French [7]
4Martin A. Musicante [5]
5Emerson Faria Nobre [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)