
Kay M. Nelson

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20EEDeborah J. Armstrong, H. James Nelson, Kay M. Nelson, Vernon J. Richardson: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2006
19EEKay M. Nelson, H. James Nelson, Deborah J. Armstrong, Vernon J. Richardson: Creating Business Value through Business-IT Alignment, Shared Knowledge, Commitment and Accountability: Minitrack Introductio. HICSS 2004
18EEDeborah J. Armstrong, Sucheta Nadkarni, V. K. Narayanan, Kay M. Nelson: Advances in causal mapping: a panel discussion. CPR 2003: 190
17EEH. James Nelson, Kay M. Nelson: IT: What's It Good For? HICSS 2003: 246
16EEKarin M. Darais, Kay M. Nelson, Blaize Horner Reich: Identifying the Dependent Variables of IT Personnel Transition. HICSS 2002: 239
15EEKay M. Nelson, Mari Buche, H. James Nelson: Structural Change and Change Advocacy: A Study in becoming a Software Engineering Organization. HICSS 2001
14EEKay M. Nelson, H. James Nelson, Mehdi Ghods: Understanding the Personal Competencies of IS Support Experts: Moving toward the E-Business Future. HICSS 2001
13 Kay M. Nelson, Jay G. Cooprider: The Relationship of Software System Flexibility to Software System and Team Performance. ICIS 2001: 23-32
12 Karin M. Darais, Kay M. Nelson, Sarah Rice, Mari Buche: Identifying the Enablers and Barriers of Information Technology Personnel Transition. ICIS 2001: 289-298
11EESusan Scholz, Kay M. Nelson, Meredith Zeppetella: Managing the Context Issues of Non-Financial Accounting Information on the Internet: An Intelligent Agent Approach. HICSS 2000
10EEKay M. Nelson, H. James Nelson, Deborah J. Armstrong: Revealed Causal Mapping as an Evocative Method for Information Systems Research. HICSS 2000
9 Mehdi Ghods, Kay M. Nelson, Mari Buche, Jody A. Lynn: An investigation of the factors that motivate IT personnel to accept transitions to new technologies and environments. IRMA Conference 2000: 1203-1204
8 Kay M. Nelson, Mari Buche, Mehdi Ghods: The journey to IS organizational maturity: a case study of a CMM level 3 IS organization. IRMA Conference 2000: 212-216
7EEKay M. Nelson, Alexander Kogan, Rajendra P. Srivastava, Miklos A. Vasarhelyi, Hai Lu: Virtual auditing agents: the EDGAR Agent challenge. Decision Support Systems 28(3): 241-253 (2000)
6EEKay M. Nelson, Sucheta Nadkarni, V. K. Narayanan, Mehdi Ghods: Understanding Software Operations Support Expertise: A Revealed Causal Mapping Approach. MIS Quarterly 24(3): (2000)
5EEKay M. Nelson, Alexander Kogan, Rajendra P. Srivastava, Miklos A. Vasarhelyi: Virtual Auditing Agents: The Edgar Agent Example. HICSS (4) 1998: 396-404
4EEH. James Nelson, David E. Monarchi, Kay M. Nelson: Evaluating Emerging Programming Paradigms: An Artifact-Oriented Approach. HICSS (6) 1998: 446-454
3EEKay M. Nelson, Mehdi Ghods, H. James Nelson: Measuring the Effectiveness of a Structured Methodology: A Comparative Analysis. HICSS (6) 1998: 492-499
2EEKay M. Nelson, H. James Nelson: Technology Flexibility: Conceptualization, Validation, and Measurement. HICSS (3) 1997: 76-
1EEKay M. Nelson, Jay G. Cooprider: The Contribution of Shared Knowledge to IS Group Performance. MIS Quarterly 20(4): (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Deborah J. Armstrong [10] [18] [19] [20]
2Mari Buche [8] [9] [12] [15]
3Jay G. Cooprider [1] [13]
4Karin M. Darais [12] [16]
5Mehdi Ghods [3] [6] [8] [9] [14]
6Alexander Kogan [5] [7]
7Hai Lu [7]
8Jody A. Lynn [9]
9David E. Monarchi [4]
10Sucheta Nadkarni [6] [18]
11V. K. Narayanan [6] [18]
12H. James Nelson [2] [3] [4] [10] [14] [15] [17] [19] [20]
13Blaize Horner Reich [16]
14Sarah Rice [12]
15Vernon J. Richardson [19] [20]
16Susan Scholz [11]
17Rajendra P. Srivastava [5] [7]
18Miklos A. Vasarhelyi [5] [7]
19Meredith Zeppetella [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)