
Shayne Waldron

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8EEShayne Waldron: Orthogonal polynomials on the disc. Journal of Approximation Theory 150(2): 117-131 (2008)
7EELen Bos, Norm Levenberg, Shayne Waldron: Pseudometrics, distances and multivariate polynomial inequalities. Journal of Approximation Theory 153(1): 80-96 (2008)
6EERichard Vale, Shayne Waldron: Tight frames generated by finite nonabelian groups. Numerical Algorithms 48(1-3): 11-27 (2008)
5EEShayne Waldron: Hermite polynomials on the plane. Numerical Algorithms 45(1-4): 231-238 (2007)
4EEShayne Waldron: On the Bernstein-Bézier form of Jacobi polynomials on a simplex. Journal of Approximation Theory 140(1): 86-99 (2006)
3 Shayne Waldron: Generalized Welch bound equality sequences are tight fram. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(9): 2307-2309 (2003)
2EEShayne Waldron: A generalised beta integral and the limit of the Bernstein-Durrmeyer operator with Jacobi weights. Journal of Approximation Theory 122(1): 141-150 (2003)
1EEShaun Cooper, Shayne Waldron: The Diagonalisation of the Multivariate Bernstein Operator. Journal of Approximation Theory 117(1): 103-131 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Len Bos [7]
2Shaun Cooper [1]
3Norm Levenberg [7]
4Richard Vale [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)