
Giulio Colavolpe

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29EEDario Fertonani, Alan Barbieri, Giulio Colavolpe: Novel Graph-Based Algorithms for Soft-Output Detection over Dispersive Channels. GLOBECOM 2008: 1127-1131
28EEGiulio Colavolpe, Tommaso Foggi, Enrico Forestieri, Giancarlo Prati: Optimal Electrical Processing in Multilevel Optical Systems Insensitive to GVD and PMD. ICC 2008: 5385-5389
27EEDario Fertonani, Giulio Colavolpe: Theoretical Limits and Practical Detection Schemes for Markovian-Gaussian Channels. ICC 2008: 961-965
26EEAldo Cero, Dario Fertonani, Giulio Colavolpe, Marilynn P. Wylie-Green: On Reduced-Complexity Soft-Output Detection of Continuous Phase Modulations. VTC Spring 2008: 1092-1096
25EEDario Fertonani, Giulio Colavolpe: Theoretical Limits and Practical Detection Schemes for Channels Affected by Class-A Impulse Noise. GLOBECOM 2007: 146-150
24EEAlan Barbieri, Giulio Colavolpe, Giuseppe Caire: Joint Iterative Detection and Decoding in the Presence of Phase Noise and Frequency Offset. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(1): 171-179 (2007)
23EEAlan Barbieri, Giulio Colavolpe: Soft-Output Decoding of Rotationally Invariant Codes Over Channels With Phase Noise. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(10): 2033-2033 (2007)
22EEAlan Barbieri, Giulio Colavolpe: Soft-Output Decoding of Rotationally Invariant Codes Over Channels With Phase Noise. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(11): 2125-2133 (2007)
21EEDario Fertonani, Alan Barbieri, Giulio Colavolpe: Reduced-Complexity BCJR Algorithm for Turbo Equalization. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(11): 2224-2224 (2007)
20EEDario Fertonani, Alan Barbieri, Giulio Colavolpe: Reduced-Complexity BCJR Algorithm for Turbo Equalization. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(12): 2279-2287 (2007)
19EEAlan Barbieri, Giulio Colavolpe: On the cramer-rao bound for carrier frequency estimation in the presence of phase noise. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(2): 575-582 (2007)
18EEAlan Barbieri, Giulio Colavolpe: Simplified Soft-Output Detection of CPM Signals Over Coherent and Phase Noise Channels. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(7): 2486-2496 (2007)
17EEGiulio Colavolpe: On LDPC codes over channels with memory. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(7): 1757-1766 (2006)
16EELuca Fanucci, Pasquale Ciao, Giulio Colavolpe: VLSI Design of a Fully-Parallel High-Throughput Decoder for Turbo Gallager Codes. IEICE Transactions 89-A(7): 1976-1986 (2006)
15EEGian Luigi Ferrari, Giulio Colavolpe, Riccardo Raheli: A unified framework for finite-memory detection. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23(9): 1697-1706 (2005)
14EEGiulio Colavolpe, Alan Barbieri, Giuseppe Caire: Algorithms for iterative decoding in the presence of strong phase noise. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23(9): 1748-1757 (2005)
13EEGiulio Colavolpe, Gianpietro Germi: On the application of factor graphs and the sum-product algorithm to ISI channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(5): 818-825 (2005)
12EEGian Luigi Ferrari, Giulio Colavolpe, Riccardo Raheli: On trellis-based truncated-memory detection. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(9): 1462-1476 (2005)
11EEPasquale Ciao, Giulio Colavolpe, Luca Fanucci: A Parallel VLSI Architecture for 1-Gb/s, 2048-b, Rate-1/2 Turbo Gallager Code Decoder. DSD 2004: 174-181
10EEAlan Barbieri, Stefano Cagnoni, Giulio Colavolpe: A Genetic Approach for Generating Good Linear Block Error-Correcting Codes. GECCO (2) 2004: 1301-1302
9EETommaso Foggi, Giulio Colavolpe, Enrico Forestieri, Giancarlo Prati: Adaptive Electronic Processing in Optical PMD-Impaired Systems. OpNeTec 2004: 499-506
8EEGiulio Colavolpe: Design and performance of turbo Gallager codes. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(11): 1901-1908 (2004)
7 Giuseppe Caire, Giulio Colavolpe: On low-complexity space-time coding for quasi-static channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(6): 1400-1416 (2003)
6 Piero Castoldi, Giulio Colavolpe, Riccardo Raheli: A Computationally Efficient MLSD Algorithm Using Fractionally-Spaced Linear Prediction. ICC (1) 2000: 11-15
5 Giulio Colavolpe, Gian Luigi Ferrari, Riccardo Raheli: Reduced-State BCJR-Type Algorithms. ICC (1) 2000: 460-464
4 Giulio Colavolpe, Riccardo Raheli, Giorgio Picchi: Detection of Linear Modulations in the Presence of Strong Phase and Frequency Instabilities. ICC (2) 2000: 633-637
3 Giulio Colavolpe, Riccardo Raheli: Theoretical analysis and performance limits of noncoherent sequence detection of coded PSK. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(4): 1483-1494 (2000)
2 Giulio Colavolpe, Riccardo Raheli: Non-Coherent Sequence Detection of M-ary PSK. ICC (1) 1997: 21-25
1 Giulio Colavolpe, Riccardo Raheli: Reduced-Complexity Detection and Phase Synchronization of CPM Signals. ICC (1) 1997: 6-10

Coauthor Index

1Alan Barbieri [10] [14] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [29]
2Stefano Cagnoni [10]
3Giuseppe Caire [7] [14] [24]
4Piero Castoldi [6]
5Aldo Cero [26]
6Pasquale Ciao [11] [16]
7Luca Fanucci [11] [16]
8Gian Luigi Ferrari (GianLuigi Ferrari) [5] [12] [15]
9Dario Fertonani [20] [21] [25] [26] [27] [29]
10Tommaso Foggi [9] [28]
11Enrico Forestieri [9] [28]
12Gianpietro Germi [13]
13Giorgio Picchi [4]
14Giancarlo Prati [9] [28]
15Riccardo Raheli [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [12] [15]
16Marilynn P. Wylie-Green [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)