
Jean-Michel Claverie

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22EEGhislain Bidaut, Karsten Suhre, Jean-Michel Claverie, Michael F. Ochs: Determination of strongly overlapping signaling activity from microarray data. BMC Bioinformatics 7: 99 (2006)
21EEFrançois Enault, Karsten Suhre, Jean-Michel Claverie: Phydbac "Gene Function Predictor" : a gene annotation tool based on genomic context analysis. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 247 (2005)
20EEHiroyuki Ogata, Jean-Michel Claverie: Metagrowth: a new resource for the building of metabolic hypotheses in microbiology. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Database-Issue): 321-324 (2005)
19 Karsten Suhre, Jean-Michel Claverie: FusionDB: a database for in-depth analysis of prokaryotic gene fusion events. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Database-Issue): 273-276 (2004)
18 François Enault, Karsten Suhre, Olivier Poirot, Chantal Abergel, Jean-Michel Claverie: Phydbac2: improved inference of gene function using interactive phylogenomic profiling and chromosomal location analysis. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Web-Server-Issue): 336-339 (2004)
17 Jean-Baptiste Claude, Karsten Suhre, Cédric Notredame, Jean-Michel Claverie, Chantal Abergel: CaspR: a web server for automated molecular replacement using homology modelling. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Web-Server-Issue): 606-609 (2004)
16EEJean-Michel Claverie: Microbial Functional Genomics: Pulling Together a Variety of Approaches and Concepts. CSB 2003: 15
15EEGhislain Bidaut, Karsten Suhre, Jean-Michel Claverie, Michael F. Ochs: Analysis of Phylogenetic Profiles Using Bayesian Decomposition. CSB 2003: 480-481
14EEFrançois Enault, Karsten Suhre, Chantal Abergel, Olivier Poirot, Jean-Michel Claverie: Annotation of bacterial genomes using improved phylogenomic profiles. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2003: 105-107
13 François Enault, Karsten Suhre, Olivier Poirot, Chantal Abergel, Jean-Michel Claverie: Phydbac (phylogenomic display of bacterial genes): an interactive resource for the annotation of bacterial genomes. Nucleic Acids Research 31(13): 3720-3722 (2003)
12 Alia BenKahla, David L. Robertson, Emmanuel Beaudoing, Jean-Michel Claverie: The Detection of Putative Recombinant Sequences Using BLAST. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2000: 3-10
11EERob M. Ewing, Olivier Poirot, Jean-Michel Claverie: Comparative analysis of the Arabidopsis and rice Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) sets. In Silico Biology 1: 18 (1999)
10EEJean-Michel Claverie, Olivier Poirot, Fabrice Lopez: The Difficulty of Identifying Genes in Anonymous Vertebrate Sequences. Computers & Chemistry 21(4): 203-214 (1997)
9EEStéphane Audic, Jean-Michel Claverie: Detection of Eukaryotic Promoters Using Markov Transition Matrices. Computers & Chemistry 21(4): 223-227 (1997)
8 Jean-Michel Claverie, Stéphane Audic: The statistical significance of nucleotide position-weight matrix matches. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 12(5): 431-439 (1996)
7EEJean-Michel Claverie: Some Useful Statistical Properties of Position-weight Matrices. Computers & Chemistry 18(3): 287-294 (1994)
6EEJean-Michel Claverie, David J. States: Information Enhancement Methods for Large Scale Sequence Analysis. Computers & Chemistry 17(2): 191-201 (1993)
5EEJean-Michel Claverie: Sequence "Signals": Artifact or Reality?. Computers & Chemistry 16(2): 89-91 (1992)
4 Jean-Michel Claverie, C. Daulmerie: Smoothing profiles with sliding windows: better to wear a hat!. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 7(1): 113-115 (1991)
3 Jean-Michel Claverie, L. Bougueleret: Heuristic informational analysis of sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 14(1): 179-196 (1986)
2 Jean-Michel Claverie, I. Sauvaget: Assessing the biological significance of primary structure consensus patterns using sequence databanks. I. Heat-shock and glucocorticoid control elements in eukaryotic promoters. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 1(2): 95-104 (1985)
1 Jean-Michel Claverie: A common philosophy and FORTRAN 77 software package for implementing and searching sequence databases. Nucleic Acids Research 12(1): 397-407 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Chantal Abergel [13] [14] [17] [18]
2Stéphane Audic [8] [9]
3Emmanuel Beaudoing [12]
4Alia BenKahla [12]
5Ghislain Bidaut [15] [22]
6L. Bougueleret [3]
7Jean-Baptiste Claude [17]
8C. Daulmerie [4]
9François Enault [13] [14] [18] [21]
10Rob M. Ewing [11]
11Fabrice Lopez [10]
12Cédric Notredame [17]
13Michael F. Ochs [15] [22]
14Hiroyuki Ogata [20]
15Olivier Poirot [10] [11] [13] [14] [18]
16David L. Robertson [12]
17I. Sauvaget [2]
18David J. States [6]
19Karsten Suhre [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [19] [21] [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)