
Tony S. Lee

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9EEAparna Adhav, Tony S. Lee, Sumit Ghosh: A modeling and simulation methodology for analyzing ATM network vulnerabilities. Computer Communications 28(11): 1317-1336 (2005)
8EERicardo Citro, Tony S. Lee, Seong-Soon Joo, Sumit Ghosh: An Adaptive Dynamic Buffer Management (ADBM) Approach for Input Buffers in ATM Networks. IEICE Transactions 88-B(3): 1084-1096 (2005)
7EEH. J. Jerry Schumacher, Tony S. Lee, Sumit Ghosh: A Novel, User-Level, Security-On-Demand Paradigm for ATM Networks: Modeling, Simulation, and Performance Analysis. Journal of Interconnection Networks 4(4): 429-461 (2003)
6 Tony S. Lee, Sumit Ghosh, Anil Nerode: Asynchronous, distributed, decision-making systems with semi-autonomous entities: a mathematical framework. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 30(1): 229-239 (2000)
5 Tony S. Lee, Sumit Ghosh: The concept of "stability" in asynchronous distributed decision-making systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 30(4): 549-561 (2000)
4EESumit Ghosh, Tony S. Lee, Seong-Soon Joo: A frame of reference for the performance evaluation of asynchronous, distributed decision-making algorithms. Journal of Systems and Software 55(1): 45-56 (2000)
3EETony S. Lee, Sumit Ghosh, Anil Nerode: A Mathematical Framework for Asynchronous, Distributed, Decision-Making Systems with Semi-Autonomous Entities: Algorithm Synthesis, Simulation, and Evaluation. ISADS 1999: 206-212
2EETony S. Lee, Sumit Ghosh: On the of Concept of "Stability" in Asynchronous Distributed Decision-Making Systems. ISADS 1999: 302-309
1EEQutaiba Razouqi, Tony S. Lee, Sumit Ghosh: A guaranteed-no-cells-dropped buffer management scheme with selective blocking for cell-switching networks. Computer Communications 21(10): 930-946 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Aparna Adhav [9]
2Ricardo Citro [8]
3Sumit Ghosh [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
4Seong-Soon Joo [4] [8]
5Anil Nerode [3] [6]
6Qutaiba Razouqi [1]
7H. J. Jerry Schumacher [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)