
Marco Benini

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10EEMarco Benini, Sabrina Sicari: Risk assessment in practice: A real case study. Computer Communications 31(15): 3691-3699 (2008)
9EEMarco Benini, Sabrina Sicari: Assessing the risk of intercepting VoIP calls. Computer Networks 52(12): 2432-2446 (2008)
8EEMario Ornaghi, Marco Benini, Mauro Ferrari, Camillo Fiorentini, Alberto Momigliano: A Constructive Object Oriented Modeling Language for Information Systems. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 153(1): 55-75 (2006)
7EEMichela Acquaviva, Marco Benini: Towards Short Term Content Adaptation. ELeGI Conference 2005
6EEMarco Benini, Alberto Trombetta, Michela Acquaviva: A model for short-term content adaptation. WWW (Special interest tracks and posters) 2005: 1034-1035
5 Michela Acquaviva, Marco Benini, Alberto Trombetta: Short-Term Content Adaptation in Web-based Learning Systems. Web Technologies, Applications, and Services 2005: 198-203
4EEMarco Benini, Fiorella de Cindio, Leonardo Sonnante: Virtuose, a VIRTual CommUnity Open Source Engine for Integrating Civic Networks and Digital Cities. Digital Cities 2003: 217-232
3EEAlessandro Avellone, Marco Benini, Ugo Moscato: How to Avoid the Formal Verification of a Theorem Prover. Logic Journal of the IGPL 9(1): (2001)
2EEMarco Benini: Representing Object Code. Computational Logic 2000: 538-552
1 Marco Benini, Sara Kalvala, Dirk Nowotka: Program Abstraction in a Higher-Order Logic Framework. TPHOLs 1998: 33-48

Coauthor Index

1Michela Acquaviva [5] [6] [7]
2Alessandro Avellone [3]
3Fiorella de Cindio [4]
4Mauro Ferrari [8]
5Camillo Fiorentini [8]
6Sara Kalvala (Saraswati Kalvala) [1]
7Alberto Momigliano [8]
8Ugo Moscato [3]
9Dirk Nowotka [1]
10Mario Ornaghi [8]
11Sabrina Sicari [9] [10]
12Leonardo Sonnante [4]
13Alberto Trombetta [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)