
B. Chung

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3EEB. Chung, J. B. Kuo: Gate-level dual-threshold static power optimization methodology (GDSPOM) using path-based static timing analysis (STA) technique for SOC application. Integration 41(1): 9-16 (2008)
2EEB. Chung, J. B. Kuo: Gate-level dual-threshold static power optimization methodology (GDSPOM) for designing high-speed low-power SOC applications using 90nm MTCMOS technology. ISCAS 2006
1EEB. Chung, J. B. Kuo: Gate-Level Dual-Threshold Static Power Optimization Methodology (GDSPOM) Using Path-Based Static Timing Analysis (STA) Technique. PATMOS 2006: 237-246

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1J. B. Kuo [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)