
Tae-uk Choi

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10EETae-uk Choi, Ki-Dong Chung: A Session Mobility Scheme for Seamless VOD Service in Ubiquitous Environments. EUC 2004: 652-661
9EETae-uk Choi, Ki-Dong Chung: UVOD: A Jini-Based Ubiquitous VOD Service Architecture. Euro-Par 2004: 957-961
8EESo-Hyun Lee, Myoung-Kyoung Ji, Tae-uk Choi, Ki-Dong Chung: An ACK-Based Redundancy Control Algorithm in Periodic FEC. ICOIN (1) 2002: 494-503
7EEJoo-Kyong Lee, Tae-uk Choi, Ki-Dong Chung: Video Coding Using Supplementary Block for Reliable Communication. IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia 2002: 143-150
6EETae-uk Choi, Ki-Dong Chung: Robust Video Transmission Using RSE-Code-Based FEC. IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia 2002: 865-872
5EEMyoung-Kyoung Ji, Tae-uk Choi, So-Hyun Lee, Seong-Ho Park, Ki-Dong Chung: Adaptive FEC Error Control Algorithm Using Loss and Delay. ICME 2001
4 Myoung-Kyoung Ji, So-Hyun Lee, Tae-uk Choi, Seong-Ho Park, Jeong-Gu Kang, Ki-Dong Chung: Selecting an Audio Redundancy Codec Combination for Error Control in Internet Telephony. ICPADS 2001: 645-652
3EETae-uk Choi, Myoung-Kyoung Ji, Seong-Ho Park, Ki-Dong Chung: An Adaptive Periodic FEC Scheme for Internet Video Applications. IWDC 2001: 691-702
2EETae-uk Choi, Young-Ju Kim, Ki-Dong Chung: A prefetching scheme based on the analysis of user access patterns in news-on-demand system. ACM Multimedia (1) 1999: 145-148
1 Y.-J. Kim, Tae-uk Choi, K. O. Jung, Y. K. Kang, Seong-Ho Park, Ki-Dong Chung: Clustered Multi-media NOD: Popularity-based Article Prefetching and Placement. IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems 1999: 194-202

Coauthor Index

1Ki-Dong Chung [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
2Myoung-Kyoung Ji [3] [4] [5] [8]
3K. O. Jung [1]
4Jeong-Gu Kang [4]
5Y. K. Kang [1]
6Y.-J. Kim [1]
7Young-Ju Kim [2]
8Joo-Kyong Lee [7]
9So-Hyun Lee [4] [5] [8]
10Seong-Ho Park [1] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)