
Jung-Ju Choi

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8EEJong-Hyuk Kim, Jung-Ju Choi, Hyun Joon Shin, In-Kwon Lee: Anticipation Effect Generation for Character Animation. Computer Graphics International 2006: 639-646
7EEJung-Ju Choi, Hwan-Jik Lee: Rendering stylized highlights using projective textures. The Visual Computer 22(9-11): 805-813 (2006)
6EEMin-Joon Yoo, In-Kwon Lee, Jung-Ju Choi: Background Music Generation Using Music Texture Synthesis. ICEC 2004: 565-570
5EEJong-Chul Yoon, In-Kwon Lee, Jung-Ju Choi: Editing noise. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 15(3-4): 277-287 (2004)
4EEGershon Elber, Jung-Ju Choi, Myung-Soo Kim: Ruled tracing. The Visual Computer 13(2): 78-94 (1997)
3EEJung-Ju Choi, Chang-Sung Jeong, Myung-Soo Kim: An Optimal Parallel Algorithm for Finding the Smallest Enclosing Triangle on a Mesh-connected Computer. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 1(2): 115-126 (1993)
2 Chang-Sung Jeong, Jung-Ju Choi: An Optimal Parallel Algorithm for Finding the Smallest Enclosing Rectangle on a Mesh-Connected Computer. IPPS 1992: 138-141
1 Chang-Sung Jeong, Jung-Ju Choi, Der-Tsai Lee: Parallel enclosing rectangle on SIMD machines. Parallel Computing 18(2): 221-229 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Gershon Elber [4]
2Chang-Sung Jeong [1] [2] [3]
3Jong-Hyuk Kim [8]
4Myung-Soo Kim [3] [4]
5Der-Tsai Lee [1]
6Hwan-Jik Lee [7]
7In-Kwon Lee [5] [6] [8]
8Hyun Joon Shin [8]
9Min-Joon Yoo [6]
10Jong-Chul Yoon [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)