
Kevin F. Chen

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9EEKevin F. Chen, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha, Si-Qing Zheng: Fast and noniterative scheduling in input-queued switches: Supporting QoS. Computer Communications 32(5): 834-846 (2009)
8EEKevin F. Chen, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha: Universal Routing and Performance Assurance for Distributed Networks. Journal of Interconnection Networks 8(1): 1-28 (2007)
7EEKevin F. Chen, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha: The fat-stack and universal routing in interconnection networks. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 66(5): 705-715 (2006)
6EEKevin F. Chen, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha, Bin Xiao: Universal Routing in Distributed Networks. ICPADS (2) 2005: 555-559
5 Kevin F. Chen, Meilin Liu, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha: A Feasible Baseline Architecture for Building and Evaluating Distributed Systems. ISCA PDCS 2005: 185-190
4 Meilin Liu, Zili Shao, Chun Xue, Kevin F. Chen, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha: Multi-level Loop Fusion with Minimal Code Size. ISCA PDCS 2005: 348-
3EEKevin F. Chen, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha, S. Q. Zheng: A Fast Noniterative Scheduler for Input-Queued Switches with Unbuffered Crossbars. ISPAN 2005: 230-235
2 Kevin F. Chen, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha: The Fat-Stack and Universal Routing in Interconnection Networks. ISCA PDCS 2004: 321-326
1 Meilin Liu, Qingfeng Zhuge, Zili Shao, Kevin F. Chen, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha: Loop Fusion via Retiming for DSP Applications. ISCA PDCS 2004: 403-408

Coauthor Index

1Meilin Liu [1] [4] [5]
2Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Zili Shao [1] [4]
4Bin Xiao [6]
5Chun Jason Xue (Chun Xue) [4]
6Si-Qing Zheng (S. Q. Zheng) [3] [9]
7Qingfeng Zhuge [1]

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