
David Champagne

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3EEReouven Elbaz, David Champagne, Catherine H. Gebotys, Ruby B. Lee, Nachiketh R. Potlapally, Lionel Torres: Hardware Mechanisms for Memory Authentication: A Survey of Existing Techniques and Engines. Transactions on Computational Science 4: 1-22 (2009)
2EEDavid Champagne, Reouven Elbaz, Ruby B. Lee: The Reduced Address Space (RAS) for Application Memory Authentication. ISC 2008: 47-63
1EEReouven Elbaz, David Champagne, Ruby B. Lee, Lionel Torres, Gilles Sassatelli, Pierre Guillemin: TEC-Tree: A Low-Cost, Parallelizable Tree for Efficient Defense Against Memory Replay Attacks. CHES 2007: 289-302

Coauthor Index

1Reouven Elbaz [1] [2] [3]
2Catherine H. Gebotys [3]
3Pierre Guillemin [1]
4Ruby B. Lee [1] [2] [3]
5Nachiketh R. Potlapally [3]
6Gilles Sassatelli [1]
7Lionel Torres [1] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)