
Miguel Cazorla

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13EEBoyan Bonev, Francisco Escolano, Miguel Cazorla: Feature selection, mutual information, and the classification of high-dimensional patterns. Pattern Anal. Appl. 11(3-4): 309-319 (2008)
12EEBoyan Bonev, Francisco Escolano, Miguel Angel Lozano, Pablo Suau, Miguel Cazorla, Wendy Aguilar: Constellations and the Unsupervised Learning of Graphs. GbRPR 2007: 340-350
11EEFrancisco Escolano, Boyan Bonev, Pablo Suau, Wendy Aguilar, Yann Frauel, Juan Manuel Sáez, Miguel Cazorla: Contextual visual localization: cascaded submap classification, optimized saliency detection, and fast view matching. IROS 2007: 1715-1722
10EEDiego Viejo, Miguel Cazorla: 3D plane-based egomotion for SLAM on semi-structured environment. IROS 2007: 2761-2766
9EEBoyan Bonev, Francisco Escolano, Miguel Cazorla: A Novel Information Theory Method for Filter Feature Selection. MICAI 2007: 431-440
8 Diego Viejo, Miguel Cazorla: Extraction and error modeling of 3D data: application to SLAM. Workshop de Agentes Físicos 2006: 153-158
7 Boyan Bonev, Miguel Cazorla: Towards autonomous adaptation in visual tasks. Workshop de Agentes Físicos 2006: 59-66
6EEDiego Viejo, Miguel Cazorla: Unconstrained 3D-Mesh Generation Applied to Map Building. CIARP 2004: 241-248
5EEMiguel Cazorla, Francisco Escolano: Two Bayesian methods for junction classification. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 12(3): 317-327 (2003)
4EEMiguel Cazorla, Francisco Escolano, Domingo Gallardo, Ramón Rizo: Junction detection and grouping with probabilistic edge models and Bayesian A. Pattern Recognition 35(9): 1869-1881 (2002)
3 Miguel Cazorla, Francisco Escolano, Domingo Gallardo, Ramón Rizo: Bayesian Models for Finding and Grouping Junctions. EMMCVPR 1999: 70-82
2 Francisco Escolano, Miguel Cazorla, Domingo Gallardo, Faraón Llorens, Rosana Satorre, Ramón Rizo: A Combined Probabilistic Framework for Learning Gestures and Actions. IEA/AIE (Vol. 2) 1998: 658-667
1 Francisco Escolano, Miguel Cazorla, Domingo Gallardo, Ramón Rizo: Deformable Templates for Tracking and Analysis of Intravascular Ultrasound Sequences. EMMCVPR 1997: 521-534

Coauthor Index

1Wendy Aguilar [11] [12]
2Boyan Bonev [7] [9] [11] [12] [13]
3Francisco Escolano [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [9] [11] [12] [13]
4Yann Frauel [11]
5Domingo Gallardo [1] [2] [3] [4]
6Faraón Llorens [2]
7Miguel Angel Lozano [12]
8Ramón Rizo [1] [2] [3] [4]
9Juan Manuel Sáez [11]
10Rosana Satorre [2]
11Pablo Suau [11] [12]
12Diego Viejo [6] [8] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)