
Jeanne Cavanaugh

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5EEGrace L. Chiang, Robin Deily, Jeanne Cavanaugh, Marge Rowell, Barbara Sydney, Colleen Wheeler: Building bridges for learning within and between organizations. SIGUCCS 2001: 19-22
4EEJeanne Cavanaugh: To web or not to web. SIGUCCS 1996: 23-25
3EEJeanne Cavanaugh: Students training students: a peer training program that works. SIGUCCS 1993: 238-242
2EEJeanne Cavanaugh: Documentation for "N" users. SIGUCCS 1993: 434-436
1EEJeanne Cavanaugh: Cost effective training options. SIGUCCS 1992: 51-54

Coauthor Index

1Grace L. Chiang [5]
2Robin Deily [5]
3Marge Rowell [5]
4Barbara Sydney [5]
5Colleen Wheeler [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)