
Stéphane Caro

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11EERaza Ur-Rehman, Stéphane Caro, Damien Chablat, Philippe Wenger: Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis of the 2-DOF Spherical Wrist of Orthoglide 5-axis CoRR abs/0904.0145: (2009)
10EENovona Rakotomanga, Damien Chablat, Stéphane Caro: Kinetostatic Performance of a Planar Parallel Mechanism with Variable Actuation CoRR abs/0809.3044: (2008)
9EERaza Ur-Rehman, Stéphane Caro, Damien Chablat, Philippe Wenger: Kinematic and Dynamic Analyses of the Orthoglide 5-axis CoRR abs/0809.3179: (2008)
8EEPatricia Ben-Horin, Moshe Shoham, Stéphane Caro, Damien Chablat, Philippe Wenger: SINGULAB - A Graphical user Interface for the Singularity Analysis of Parallel Robots based on Grassmann-Cayley Algebra CoRR abs/0809.3182: (2008)
7EEDamien Chablat, Stéphane Caro, Emilie Bouyer: The Optimization of a Novel Prismatic Drive CoRR abs/0705.0738: (2007)
6EEEmilie Bouyer, Stéphane Caro, Damien Chablat, Jorge Angeles: The Multiobjective Optimization of a Prismatic Drive CoRR abs/0705.0856: (2007)
5EEDamien Chablat, Stéphane Caro, Philippe Wenger, Jorge Angeles: The Isoconditioning Loci of Planar Three-DOF Parallel Manipulators CoRR abs/0705.1272: (2007)
4EEDamien Chablat, Stéphane Caro: The Kinetostatic Optimization of a Novel Prismatic Drive CoRR abs/0707.3534: (2007)
3EEDamien Chablat, Philippe Wenger, Stéphane Caro, Jorge Angeles: The Isoconditioning Loci of Planar Three-DOF Parallel Manipulators CoRR abs/0708.3896: (2007)
2EEStéphane Caro, Philippe Wenger, Fouad Bennis, Damien Chablat: Sensitivity Analysis of the Orthoglide, a 3-DOF Translational Parallel Kinematic Machine CoRR abs/0708.4324: (2007)
1 Stéphane Caro: Pop-Up Windows and Information Retrieval. INTERACT 1997: 573-574

Coauthor Index

1Jorge Angeles [3] [5] [6]
2Patricia Ben-Horin [8]
3Fouad Bennis [2]
4Emilie Bouyer [6] [7]
5Damien Chablat [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
6Novona Rakotomanga [10]
7Moshe Shoham [8]
8Raza Ur-Rehman [9] [11]
9Philippe Wenger [2] [3] [5] [8] [9] [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)