
Graham Campbell

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6EEGraham Campbell, Yuefan Deng, James Glimm, Yuan Wang, Qiqing Yu, Moisés Eisenberg, Arthur Grollman: Analysis and prediction of hydrogen bonding in protein-DNA complexes using parallel processors. Journal of Computational Chemistry 17(15): 1712-1725 (1996)
5 Harn-Jier Lin, Graham Campbell: PDQRAP - Prioritized Distributed Queueing Random Access Protocol. LCN 1994: 82-91
4EEWenxin Xu, Graham Campbell: A Distributed Queueing Random Access Protocol for a Broadcast Channel. SIGCOMM 1993: 270-278
3 Harbans Kaur, Graham Campbell: DQDB - An Access Delay Analysis. INFOCOM 1990: 630-635
2 Harbans Kaur, James Brown Grier, Graham Campbell: A Specification and Verifiaction Tool for Communication Protocols. Great Lakes Computer Science Conference 1989: 234-241
1EEGraham Campbell, Thomas A. DeFanti, Jeff Frederiksen, Stephen A. Joyce, Lawrence A. Leske: Two bit/pixel full color encoding. SIGGRAPH 1986: 215-223

Coauthor Index

1Thomas A. DeFanti [1]
2Yuefan Deng [6]
3Moisés Eisenberg [6]
4Jeff Frederiksen [1]
5James Glimm [6]
6James Brown Grier [2]
7Arthur Grollman [6]
8Stephen A. Joyce [1]
9Harbans Kaur [2] [3]
10Lawrence A. Leske [1]
11Harn-Jier Lin [5]
12Yuan Wang [6]
13Wenxin Xu [4]
14Qiqing Yu [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)