
Ronald L. Calabrese

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9EEVladimir E. Bondarenko, Gennady S. Cymbalyuk, Girish N. Patel, Stephen P. DeWeerth, Ronald L. Calabrese: A bifurcation of a synchronous oscillations into a torus in a system of two mutually inhibitory aVLSI neurons: experimental observation. Neurocomputing 52-54: 691-698 (2003)
8EEMario F. Simoni, Michael E. Sorensen, Gennady S. Cymbalyuk, Ronald L. Calabrese, Stephen P. DeWeerth: Control of bursting properties in a silicon neuron CPG. Neurocomputing 44-46: 645-651 (2002)
7 A. A. V. Hill, J. Lu, M. A. Masino, O. H. Olsen, Ronald L. Calabrese: A Model of a Segmental Oscillator in the Leech Heartbeat Neuronal Network. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 10(3): 281-302 (2001)
6EEGennady S. Cymbalyuk, Ronald L. Calabrese: A model of slow plateau-like oscillations based upon the fast Na+ current in a window mode. Neurocomputing 38-40: 159-166 (2001)
5 Mario F. Simoni, Gennady S. Cymbalyuk, Michael E. Sorensen, Ronald L. Calabrese, Stephen P. DeWeerth: Development of Hybrid Systems: Interfacing a Silicon Neuron to a Leech Heart Interneuron. NIPS 2000: 173-179
4 Gennady S. Cymbalyuk, Girish N. Patel, Ronald L. Calabrese, Stephen P. DeWeerth, Avis H. Cohen: Modeling Alternation to Synchrony with Inhibitory Coupling: A Neuromorphic VLSI Approach. Neural Computation 12(10): 2259-2278 (2000)
3EEGennady S. Cymbalyuk, Ronald L. Calabrese: Oscillatory behaviors in pharmacologically isolated heart interneurons from the medicinal leech. Neurocomputing 32-33: 97-104 (2000)
2EEGirish N. Patel, Gennady S. Cymbalyuk, Ronald L. Calabrese, Stephen P. DeWeerth: Bifurcation Analysis of a Silicon Neuron. NIPS 1999: 731-737
1EEStephen P. DeWeerth, Girish N. Patel, Mario F. Simoni, David E. Schimmel, Ronald L. Calabrese: A VLSI Architecture for Modeling Intersegmental Coordination. ARVLSI 1997: 182-200

Coauthor Index

1Vladimir E. Bondarenko [9]
2Avis H. Cohen [4]
3Gennady S. Cymbalyuk [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9]
4Stephen P. DeWeerth [1] [2] [4] [5] [8] [9]
5A. A. V. Hill [7]
6J. Lu [7]
7M. A. Masino [7]
8O. H. Olsen [7]
9Girish N. Patel [1] [2] [4] [9]
10David E. Schimmel [1]
11Mario F. Simoni [1] [5] [8]
12Michael E. Sorensen [5] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)