
Simon Attfield

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4EESimon Attfield, Stephann Makri, James Kalbach, Ann Blandford, Stephen De Gabrielle, Mark Edwards: Prioritisation, Resources and Search Terms: A Study of Decision-Making at the Virtual Reference Desk. ECDL 2008: 106-116
3EEAnn Blandford, Anne Adams, Simon Attfield, George Buchanan, Jeremy Gow, Stephann Makri, Jon Rimmer, Claire Warwick: The PRET A Rapporter framework: Evaluating digital libraries from the perspective of information work. Inf. Process. Manage. 44(1): 4-21 (2008)
2EESimon Attfield, Ann Blandford, John Dowell, Paul A. Cairns: Uncertainty-tolerant design: Evaluating task performance and drag-and-link information gathering for a news-writing task. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 66(6): 410-424 (2008)
1EESimon Attfield, Ann Blandford, Brock Craft: Task Embedded Visualisation: The Design for an Interactive IR Results Display for Journalists. IV 2004: 650-655

Coauthor Index

1Anne Adams [3]
2Ann Blandford [1] [2] [3] [4]
3George Buchanan [3]
4Paul A. Cairns [2]
5Brock Craft [1]
6John Dowell [2]
7Mark Edwards [4]
8Stephen De Gabrielle [4]
9Jeremy Gow [3]
10James Kalbach [4]
11Stephann Makri [3] [4]
12Jon Rimmer [3]
13Claire Warwick [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)