
Rui Neto Marinheiro

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4EEJose Moura, Valter Pereira, Rui Neto Marinheiro: Successful Cooperation between Backoff Exponential Mechanisms to Enhance IEEE 802.11 Networks. ICOIN 2007: 425-434
3EEJose Moura, Valter Pereira, Rui Neto Marinheiro: What's DECR impact on wireless communications? ISCC 2007: 539-544
2EELuís Miguel Botelho, Hugo Mendes, Pedro Figueiredo, Rui Neto Marinheiro: Send Fredo off to Do This, Send Fredo off to Do That. CIA 2003: 152-159
1EERui Neto Marinheiro, Wendy Hall: Expanding a Hypertext Information Retrieval System to Incorporate Multimedia Information. HICSS (2) 1998: 286-295

Coauthor Index

1Luís Miguel Botelho [2]
2Pedro Figueiredo [2]
3Wendy Hall [1]
4Hugo Mendes [2]
5Jose Moura [3] [4]
6Valter Pereira [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)