
Ida-Maria Sintorn

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9EEStina Svensson, Ida-Maria Sintorn: Hierarchical Chamfer Matching Based on Propagation of Gradient Strengths. DGCI 2006: 308-319
8EEIda-Maria Sintorn, Magnus Gedda, Susana Mata, Stina Svensson: Medial Grey-Level Based Representation for Proteins in Volume Images. IbPRIA (2) 2005: 421-428
7EEIda-Maria Sintorn, Gunilla Borgefors: Shape Based Identification of Proteins in Volume Images. SCIA 2005: 253-262
6 Ida-Maria Sintorn, Susana Mata: Using Grey-Level And Shape Information for Decomposing Proteins In 3D Images. ISBI 2004: 800-803
5EEIda-Maria Sintorn, Mohammed Homman-Loudiyi, Cecilia Söderberg-Nauclér, Gunilla Borgefors: A refined circular template matching method for classification of human cytomegalovirus capsids in TEM images. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 76(2): 95-102 (2004)
4EEIda-Maria Sintorn, Gunilla Borgefors: Weighted distance transforms for volume images digitized in elongated voxel grids. Pattern Recognition Letters 25(5): 571-580 (2004)
3EEIda-Maria Sintorn, Gunilla Borgefors: Weighted Distance Transforms for Images Using Elongated Voxel Grids. DGCI 2002: 244-254
2 Mattias Aronsson, Ida-Maria Sintorn: Ring shaped object detector for non-isotropic 2D images using optimized distance transform weights. ICIP (3) 2002: 985-988
1EEIda-Maria Sintorn, Gunilla Borgefors: Weighted Distance Transforms in Rectangular Grids. ICIAP 2001: 322-326

Coauthor Index

1Mattias Aronsson [2]
2Gunilla Borgefors [1] [3] [4] [5] [7]
3Magnus Gedda [8]
4Mohammed Homman-Loudiyi [5]
5Susana Mata [6] [8]
6Cecilia Söderberg-Nauclér [5]
7Stina Svensson [8] [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)