
Walter Binder

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67EEAlex Villazón, Walter Binder, Philippe Moret: Flexible calling context reification for aspect-oriented programming. AOSD 2009: 63-74
66EEPhilippe Moret, Walter Binder, Alex Villazón: CCCP: complete calling context profiling in virtual execution environments. PEPM 2009: 151-160
65EEPhilippe Moret, Walter Binder, Alex Villazón: CProf: customizable calling context cross-profiling for embedded java processors. PEPM 2009: 161-164
64EEWalter Binder, Niranjan Suri: Green Computing: Energy Consumption Optimized Service Hosting. SOFSEM 2009: 117-128
63EEWalter Binder, Jarle Hulaas, Philippe Moret, Alex Villazón: Platform-independent profiling in a virtual execution environment. Softw., Pract. Exper. 39(1): 47-79 (2009)
62EEWalter Binder, Alex Villazón, Martin Schoeberl, Philippe Moret: Cache-aware cross-profiling for java processors. CASES 2008: 127-136
61EEAdina Mosincat, Walter Binder: Transparent Runtime Adaptability for BPEL Processes. ICSOC 2008: 241-255
60EEDomenico Bianculli, Walter Binder, Luigi Drago, Carlo Ghezzi: Transparent Reputation Management for Composite Web Services. ICWS 2008: 621-628
59EEAlex Villazón, Walter Binder, Philippe Moret: Aspect weaving in standard Java class libraries. PPPJ 2008: 159-167
58EEWalter Binder, Martin Schoeberl, Philippe Moret, Alex Villazón: Cross-Profiling for Embedded Java Processors. QEST 2008: 287-296
57EEJarle Hulaas, Walter Binder: Program transformations for light-weight CPU accounting and control in the Java virtual machine. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 21(1-2): 119-146 (2008)
56EEWalter Binder, Samuel Spycher, Ion Constantinescu, Boi Faltings: Multiversion Concurrency Control for Multidimensional Index Structures. DEXA 2007: 172-181
55EEDomenico Bianculli, Radu Jurca, Walter Binder, Carlo Ghezzi, Boi Faltings: Automated Dynamic Maintenance of Composite Services Based on Service Reputation. ICSOC 2007: 449-455
54EEWalter Binder, Samuel Spycher, Ion Constantinescu, Boi Faltings: An Evaluation of Multiversion Concurrency Control forWeb Service Directories. ICWS 2007: 35-42
53EENavid Ahmadi, Walter Binder: Flexible matching and ranking of web service advertisements. MW4SOC 2007: 30-35
52EEWalter Binder, Jarle Hulaas, Philippe Moret: Advanced Java bytecode instrumentation. PPPJ 2007: 135-144
51EEWalter Binder, Jarle Hulaas, Philippe Moret: Reengineering Standard Java Runtime Systems through Dynamic Bytecode Instrumentation. SCAM 2007: 91-100
50EERadu Jurca, Boi Faltings, Walter Binder: Reliable QoS monitoring based on client feedback. WWW 2007: 1003-1012
49EEWalter Binder, Ion Constantinescu, Boi Faltings: A Flexible Directory Query Language for the Efficient Processing of Service Composition Queries. Int. J. Web Service Res. 4(1): 59-79 (2007)
48EEWalter Binder, Ion Constantinescu, Boi Faltings, Nadine Heterd: Optimized, decentralized workflow execution in grid environments. Multiagent and Grid Systems 3(3): 259-279 (2007)
47EEWalter Binder, Ion Constantinescu, Boi Faltings: Service Invocation Triggers: A Lightweight Routing Infrastructure for Decentralized Workflow Orchestration. AINA (2) 2006: 917-921
46EEWalter Binder: Secure and Reliable Java-Based Middleware - Challenges and Solutions. ARES 2006: 662-669
45EEWalter Binder, Ion Constantinescu, Boi Faltings: Scalable Automated Service Composition Using a Compact Directory Digest. DEXA 2006: 317-326
44EEWalter Binder, Jarle Hulaas: Flexible and efficient measurement of dynamic bytecode metrics. GPCE 2006: 171-180
43EEWalter Binder, Ion Constantinescu, Boi Faltings: Decentralized Orchestration of CompositeWeb Services. ICWS 2006: 869-876
42EEWalter Binder, Jarle Hulaas, Philippe Moret: A Quantitative Evaluation of the Contribution of Native Code to Java Workloads. IISWC 2006: 201-209
41EEAndrea Camesi, Jarle Hulaas, Walter Binder: Continuous Bytecode Instruction Counting for CPU Consumption Estimation. QEST 2006: 19-30
40EEIon Constantinescu, Walter Binder, Boi Faltings: Service Composition with Directories. Software Composition 2006: 163-177
39EEWalter Binder, Ion Constantinescu, Boi Faltings: Efficient Service Composition Using Zero-Suppressed Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams. Web Intelligence 2006: 587-593
38EEWalter Binder, Ion Constantinescu, Boi Faltings, Klaus Haller, Can Türker: A Multiagent System for the Reliable Execution of Automatically Composed Ad-hoc Processes. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 12(2): 219-237 (2006)
37EEWalter Binder, Jarle Hulaas: Using Bytecode Instruction Counting as Portable CPU Consumption Metric. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 153(2): 57-77 (2006)
36EEWalter Binder, Jarle Hulaas: Exact and Portable Profiling for the JVM Using Bytecode Instruction Counting. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 164(3): 45-64 (2006)
35EEWalter Binder: Portable and accurate sampling profiling for Java. Softw., Pract. Exper. 36(6): 615-650 (2006)
34 Ion Constantinescu, Walter Binder, Boi Faltings: Selection and Ranking of Propositional Formulas for Large-Scale Service Directories. AAAI 2005: 1406-1411
33EEWalter Binder: A Portable and Customizable Profiling Framework for Java Based on Bytecode Instruction Counting. APLAS 2005: 178-194
32EEWalter Binder, Ion Constantinescu, Boi Faltings, Samuel Spycher: Multiversion Concurrency Control for Large-Scale Service Directories. ECOWS 2005: 50-61
31EEIon Constantinescu, Walter Binder, Boi Faltings: Optimally Distributing Interactions Between Composed Semantic Web Services. ESWC 2005: 32-46
30EEIon Constantinescu, Walter Binder, Boi Faltings: Flexible and Efficient Matchmaking and Ranking in Service Directories. ICWS 2005: 5-12
29 Walter Binder: Portable Profiling of Memory Allocation in Java. NODe/GSEM 2005: 110-128
28 Walter Binder, Ion Constantinescu, Boi Faltings, Nadine Heterd: Optimal Workflow Execution in Grid Environments. NODe/GSEM 2005: 276-295
27EEWalter Binder: Portable, efficient, and accurate sampling profiling for java-based middleware. SEM 2005: 46-53
26EEWalter Binder, Ion Constantinescu, Boi Faltings: Directory Support for Large-Scale, Automated Service Composition. Software Composition 2005: 57-66
25EEWalter Binder, Jarle Hulaas: Java Bytecode Transformations for Efficient, Portable CPU Accounting. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 141(1): 53-73 (2005)
24EEWalter Binder, Ion Constantinescu, Boi Faltings: A Directory for Web Service Integration Supporting Custom Query Pruning and Ranking. ECOWS 2004: 87-101
23EEIon Constantinescu, Walter Binder, Boi Faltings: Directory Services for Incremental Service Integration. ESWS 2004: 254-268
22EEJarle Hulaas, Walter Binder, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo: Enhancing Java Grid Computing Security with Resource Control. GSEM 2004: 30-47
21EEIon Constantinescu, Boi Faltings, Walter Binder: Large Scale, Type-Compatible Service Composition. ICWS 2004: 506-513
20EEIon Constantinescu, Walter Binder, Boi Faltings: An Extensible Directory Enabling Efficient Semantic Web Service Integration. International Semantic Web Conference 2004: 605-619
19EEWalter Binder, Jarle Hulaas: Self-accounting as Principle for Portable CPU Control in Java. Net.ObjectDays 2004: 24-38
18EEJarle Hulaas, Walter Binder: Program transformations for portable CPU accounting and control in Java. PEPM 2004: 169-177
17EEWalter Binder, Jarle Hulaas: Extending Standard Java Runtime Systems for Resource Management. SEM 2004: 154-169
16EEIon Constantinescu, Boi Faltings, Walter Binder: Type based service composition. WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 268-269
15EEIon Constantinescu, Boi Faltings, Walter Binder: Type-Based Composition of Information Services in Large Scale Environments. Web Intelligence 2004: 306-312
14EEWalter Binder, Jarle Hulaas: A Portable CPU-Management Framework for Java. IEEE Internet Computing 8(5): 74-83 (2004)
13EEZakaria Maamar, Asuman Dogac, Walter Binder: Guest editor's note: special issue on mobile commerce. SIGecom Exchanges 3(4): (2003)
12EEWalter Binder, Balázs Lichtl: Using a Secure Java Micro-kernel on Embedded Devices for the Reliable Execution of Dynamically Uploaded Applications. Ada-Europe 2002: 125-135
11EEWalter Binder: Using Mobile Agents for Software Distribution and Maintenance: Autonomous Stations Capable of Securely Executing Dynamically Uploaded Applications. CCGRID 2002: 352-353
10EEWalter Binder, Balázs Lichtl: Using a Secure Mobile Object Kernel as Operating System on Embedded Devices to Support the Dynamic Upload of Applications. Mobile Agents 2002: 154-170
9EEWalter Binder, Volker Roth: Secure mobile agent systems using Java: where are we heading?. SAC 2002: 115-119
8EEWalter Binder, Jarle Hulaas, Alex Villazón: Portable resource control in the J-SEAL2 mobile agent system. Agents 2001: 222-223
7 Jarle Hulaas, Walter Binder: Using Mobile Code for Semantic Interoperability in Distributed Agent Systems. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2001: 947-951
6 Patrik Mihailescu, Walter Binder: Mobile Agent Framework für M-Commerce. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2001: 959-967
5EEAlex Villazón, Walter Binder: Portable Resource Reification in Java-Based Mobile Agent Systems. Mobile Agents 2001: 213-228
4 Walter Binder, Jarle Hulaas, Alex Villazón: Portable Resource Control in Java: The J-SEAL2 Approach. OOPSLA 2001: 139-155
3EEWalter Binder: Design and Implementation of the J-SEAL2 Mobile Agent Kernel. SAINT 2001: 35-42
2EEWalter Binder, Jarle Hulaas, Alex Villazón: Portable Resource Control in Java: Application to Mobile Agent Security. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 63: (2001)
1 Walter Binder: J-SEAL2-A Secure High-Performance Mobile Agent System. Electronic Commerce Research 1(1/2): 131-148 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Navid Ahmadi [53]
2Domenico Bianculli [55] [60]
3Andrea Camesi [41]
4Ion Constantinescu [15] [16] [20] [21] [23] [24] [26] [28] [30] [31] [32] [34] [38] [39] [40] [43] [45] [47] [48] [49] [54] [56]
5Asuman Dogac [13]
6Luigi Drago [60]
7Boi Faltings [15] [16] [20] [21] [23] [24] [26] [28] [30] [31] [32] [34] [38] [39] [40] [43] [45] [47] [48] [49] [50] [54] [55] [56]
8Carlo Ghezzi [55] [60]
9Klaus Haller [38]
10Nadine Heterd [28] [48]
11Jarle Hulaas [2] [4] [7] [8] [14] [17] [18] [19] [22] [25] [36] [37] [41] [42] [44] [51] [52] [57] [63]
12Radu Jurca [50] [55]
13Balázs Lichtl [10] [12]
14Zakaria Maamar [13]
15Patrik Mihailescu [6]
16Philippe Moret [42] [51] [52] [58] [59] [62] [63] [65] [66] [67]
17Adina Mosincat [61]
18Volker Roth [9]
19Martin Schoeberl [58] [62]
20Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo [22]
21Samuel Spycher [32] [54] [56]
22Niranjan Suri [64]
23Can Türker [38]
24Alex Villazón [2] [4] [5] [8] [58] [59] [62] [63] [65] [66] [67]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)