
Lubica Benusková

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8EEMatej Makula, Lubica Benusková: Analysis and Visualization of the Dynamics of Recurrent Neural Networks for Symbolic Sequences Processing. ICANN (2) 2008: 577-586
7EEMichal Cernanský, Matej Makula, Lubica Benusková: Organization of the state space of a simple recurrent network before and after training on recursive linguistic structures. Neural Networks 20(2): 236-244 (2007)
6EEMatej Makula, Michal Cernanský, Lubica Benusková: Approaches Based on Markovian Architectural Bias in Recurrent Neural Networks. SOFSEM 2004: 257-264
5EEViera Stopjaková, D. Micusík, Lubica Benusková, Martin Margala: Neural Networks-Based Parametric Testing of Analog IC. DFT 2002: 408-418
4EED. Micusík, Viera Stopjaková, Lubica Benusková: Application of Feed-forward Artificial Neural Networks to the Identification of Defective Analog Integrated Circuits. Neural Computing and Applications 11(1): 71-79 (2002)
3EEMichal Cernanský, Lubica Benusková: Finite-State Reber Automaton and the Recurrent Neural Networks Trained in Supervised and Unsupervised Manner. ICANN 2001: 737-742
2EEPeter Tiño, Michal Stancík, Lubica Benusková: Building Predictive Models on Complex Symbolic Sequences with a Second-Order Recurrent BCM Network with Lateral Inhibition. IJCNN (2) 2000: 265-270
1 Lubica Benusková: Modeling Plasticity in Rat Barrel Cortex Induced by One Spared Whisker. ICANN 1997: 127-132

Coauthor Index

1Michal Cernanský [3] [6] [7]
2Matej Makula [6] [7] [8]
3Martin Margala [5]
4D. Micusík [4] [5]
5Michal Stancík [2]
6Viera Stopjaková [4] [5]
7Peter Tiño (Peter Tino) [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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