
France Belanger

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27EETracy L. Lewis, Wanda J. Smith, France Belanger, K. Vernard Harrington: Determining students' intent to stay in it programs: an empirical model. CPR 2008: 5-11
26 Karthik Channakeshava, Kaigui Bian, Michael S. Hsiao, Jung Min Park, Robert E. Crossler, France Belanger, Payal Aggarwal, Janine Hiller: On Providing Automatic Parental Consent over Information Collection from Children. Security and Management 2008: 196-202
25EEFrance Belanger, Christopher D. Allport: Collaborative technologies in knowledge telework: an exploratory study. Inf. Syst. J. 18(1): 101-121 (2008)
24EEWanda J. Smith, France Belanger, Tracy Lewis, Kristi Honaker: Fostering resilience in IT: a resource toolkit for faculty. CPR 2007: 76-77
23EEManju Ahuja, France Belanger, Mary Beth Watson-Manheim: Minitrack Introduction: Virtual Work, Teams, And Organizations. HICSS 2007: 40
22EEFrance Belanger, Mary Beth Watson-Manheim, Susan Harrington, Nancy Johnson, Derrick J. Neufeld: The IT Artifact and Telecommuting. Virtuality and Virtualization 2007: 391-395
21EEWanda J. Smith, France Belanger, Tracy L. Lewis, Kristi Honaker: Training to persist in computing careers. SIGCSE Bulletin 39(4): 119-120 (2007)
20EEL. Christian Schaupp, Weiguo Fan, France Belanger: Determining Success for Different Website Goals. HICSS 2006
19EEManju Ahuja, France Belanger, Robert M. Davison, Mary Beth Watson-Manheim: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2006
18EEFrance Belanger, Lemuria Carter: The Effects of the Digital Divide on E-Government: An Emperical Evaluation. HICSS 2006
17EERobert E. Crossler, France Belanger: The effect of computer self-efficacy on security training effectiveness. InfoSecCD 2006: 124-129
16EEFrance Belanger, Weiguo Fan, L. Christian Schaupp, Anjala Krishen, Jeannine Everhart, David Poteet, Kent Nakamoto: Web site success metrics: addressing the duality of goals. Commun. ACM 49(12): 114-116 (2006)
15EEManju Ahuja, Robert M. Davison, France Belanger, Mary Beth Watson-Manheim: Mini Track: Virtual Work, Teams, And Organizations. HICSS 2005
14 France Belanger: Virtual Work Research Agenda. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (V) 2005: 3013-3017
13EEFrance Belanger, Lemuria Carter, L. Christian Schaupp: U-government: a framework for the evolution of e-government. EG 2(4): 426-445 (2005)
12EELemuria Carter, France Belanger: The utilization of e-government services: citizen trust, innovation and acceptance factors. Inf. Syst. J. 15(1): 5-25 (2005)
11EELemuria Carter, France Belanger: Citizen Adoption of Electronic Government Initiatives. HICSS 2004
10EEBret Swan, France Belanger, Mary Beth Watson-Manheim: Theoretical Foundations for Distributed Work: Multilevel, Incentive Theories to Address Current Dilemmas. HICSS 2004
9EEManju Ahuja, France Belanger, Robert M. Davison, Mary Beth Watson-Manheim: Virtual Work, Teams, And Organizations: Minitrack Introduction. HICSS 2004
8EEMary Beth Watson-Manheim, France Belanger: Exploring Communication-Based Work Processes in Virtual Work Environments. HICSS 2002: 272
7EEFrance Belanger, Craig Van Slyke: Abuse or learning? Commun. ACM 45(1): 64-65 (2002)
6EECraig Van Slyke, Christie L. Comunale, France Belanger: Gender differences in perceptions of web-based shopping. Commun. ACM 45(8): 82-86 (2002)
5 France Belanger, Kelly McNamara Hilmer: Use of collaborative technologies in distributed work: a case study. IRMA Conference 2000: 259-263
4 France Belanger, Craig Van Slyke: Perceptions of business-to-consumer electronic commerce: a comparison of two cultures. IRMA Conference 2000: 791-792
3EERobert E. Kraut, France Belanger, Dianne H. Jordan, Larry Shumpert, Mary Beth Watson-Manheim: A research agenda for virtual work: are we asking the right questions? (panel session). ICIS 1999: 566-568
2EEFrance Belanger: Telecommuters and work groups: a communication network analysis. ICIS 1998: 365-369
1EEFrance Belanger, Rosann Webb Collins: Distributed Work Arrangements: A Research Framework. Inf. Soc. 14(2): (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Payal Aggarwal [26]
2Manju Ahuja [9] [15] [19] [23]
3Christopher D. Allport [25]
4Kaigui Bian [26]
5Lemuria Carter [11] [12] [13] [18]
6Karthik Channakeshava [26]
7Rosann Webb Collins [1]
8Christie L. Comunale [6]
9Robert E. Crossler [17] [26]
10Robert M. Davison [9] [15] [19]
11Jeannine Everhart [16]
12Weiguo Fan [16] [20]
13K. Vernard Harrington [27]
14Susan Harrington [22]
15Janine Hiller [26]
16Kelly McNamara Hilmer [5]
17Kristi Honaker [21] [24]
18Michael S. Hsiao [26]
19Nancy Johnson [22]
20Dianne H. Jordan [3]
21Robert E. Kraut [3]
22Anjala Krishen [16]
23Tracy L. Lewis (Tracy Lewis) [21] [24] [27]
24Kent Nakamoto [16]
25Derrick J. Neufeld [22]
26Jung Min Park [26]
27David Poteet [16]
28L. Christian Schaupp [13] [16] [20]
29Larry Shumpert [3]
30Craig Van Slyke [4] [6] [7]
31Wanda J. Smith [21] [24] [27]
32Bret Swan [10]
33Mary Beth Watson-Manheim [3] [8] [9] [10] [15] [19] [22] [23]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)