
Pieter Bekaert

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4EEPieter Bekaert, Bert Van Nuffelen, Maurice Bruynooghe, David Gilis, Marc Denecker: On the Transformation of Object-Oriented Conceptual Models to Logical Theories. ER 2002: 152-166
3EEPieter Bekaert, Bert Van Nuffelen: On the Transformation of Object Oriented Conceptual Models to Logical Theories: From EROOS to ID-Logic. ER 2002: 18-19
2EEPieter Bekaert, Geert Delanote, Frank Devos, Eric Steegmans: Specialization/Generalization in Object-Oriented Analysis: Strengthening and Multiple Partitioning. OOIS Workshops 2002: 34-43
1EEFrank Van Reeth, Patrick Monsieurs, Pieter Bekaert, Eddy Flerackers: Ray Tracing Optimization Utilizing Projective Methods. Computer Graphics International 1996: 47-53

Coauthor Index

1Maurice Bruynooghe [4]
2Geert Delanote [2]
3Marc Denecker [4]
4Frank Devos [2]
5Eddy Flerackers [1]
6David Gilis [4]
7Patrick Monsieurs [1]
8Bert Van Nuffelen [3] [4]
9Frank Van Reeth [1]
10Eric Steegmans [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)