
Benoit Baudry

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36EEFreddy Munoz, Benoit Baudry: Artificial table testing dynamically adaptive systems CoRR abs/0903.0914: (2009)
35EEOlivier Barais, Jacques Klein, Benoit Baudry, Andrew Jackson, Siobhán Clarke: Composing Multi-view Aspect Models. ICCBSS 2008: 43-52
34EEFreddy Munoz, Benoit Baudry, Olivier Barais: Improving maintenance in AOP through an interaction specification framework. ICSM 2008: 77-86
33EEYves Le Traon, Tejeddine Mouelhi, Alexander Pretschner, Benoit Baudry: Test-Driven Assessment of Access Control in Legacy Applications. ICST 2008: 238-247
32EESagar Sen, Benoit Baudry, Jean-Marie Mottu: On Combining Multi-formalism Knowledge to Select Models for Model Transformation Testing. ICST 2008: 328-337
31EETejeddine Mouelhi, Franck Fleurey, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon: A Model-Based Framework for Security Policy Specification, Deployment and Testing. MoDELS 2008: 537-552
30EEFreddy Munoz, Benoit Baudry, Olivier Barais: A classification of invasive patterns in AOP CoRR abs/0804.1696: (2008)
29EERobert B. France, Franck Fleurey, Raghu Reddy, Benoit Baudry, Sudipto Ghosh: Providing Support for Model Composition in Metamodels. EDOC 2007: 253-266
28EEErwan Brottier, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon, David Touzet, Bertrand Nicolas: Producing a Global Requirement Model from Multiple Requirement Specifications. EDOC 2007: 390-404
27EEBenoit Baudry, Clémentine Nebut, Yves Le Traon: Model-Driven Engineering for Requirements Analysis. EDOC 2007: 459-466
26EEFranck Fleurey, Erwan Breton, Benoit Baudry, Alain Nicolas, Jean-Marc Jézéquel: Model-Driven Engineering for Software Migration in a Large Industrial Context. MoDELS 2007: 482-497
25EEBenoit Baudry, Alain Faivre, Sudipto Ghosh, Alexander Pretschner: 4th International Workshop on Model Driven Engineering, Verification, and Validation: Integrating Verification and Validation in MDE. MoDELS Workshops 2007: 145-150
24EESagar Sen, Benoit Baudry, Hans Vangheluwe: Domain-Specific Model Editors with Model Completion. MoDELS Workshops 2007: 259-270
23EEFranck Fleurey, Benoit Baudry, Robert B. France, Sudipto Ghosh: A Generic Approach for Automatic Model Composition. MoDELS Workshops 2007: 7-15
22EEJean-Marie Mottu, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon: Mutation Analysis Testing for Model Transformations. ECMDA-FA 2006: 376-390
21EEBenoit Baudry, Franck Fleurey, Yves Le Traon: Improving test suites for efficient fault localization. ICSE 2006: 82-91
20EEErwan Brottier, Franck Fleurey, Jim Steel, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon: Metamodel-based Test Generation for Model Transformations: an Algorithm and a Tool. ISSRE 2006: 85-94
19 Yves Le Traon, Benoit Baudry: Test d'intégration d'un système à objets - planification de l'ordre d'intégration. LMO 2006: 217-230
18EEJean-Marie Mottu, Benoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon: Reusable MDA Components: A Testing-for-Trust Approach. MoDELS 2006: 589-603
17EEBenoit Baudry, David Hearnden, Nicolas Rapin, Jörn Guy Süß: Report on the 3rd MoDeVa Workshop - Model Design and Validation. MoDELS Workshops 2006: 179-181
16EEYves Le Traon, Benoit Baudry, Jean-Marc Jézéquel: Design by Contract to Improve Software Vigilance. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 32(8): 571-586 (2006)
15EEBenoit Baudry, Christophe Gaston, Sudipto Ghosh: Report on the 2nd Workshop on Model Development and Validation - MoDeVa. MoDELS Satellite Events 2005: 32-38
14EEBenoit Baudry, Franck Fleurey, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Yves Le Traon: Automatic Test Case Optimization: A Bacteriologic Algorithm. IEEE Software 22(2): 76-82 (2005)
13EEBenoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon: Measuring design testability of a UML class diagram. Information & Software Technology 47(13): 859-879 (2005)
12EEBenoit Baudry, Franck Fleurey, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Yves Le Traon: From genetic to bacteriological algorithms for mutation-based testing. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 15(2): 73-96 (2005)
11EEFranck Fleurey, Yves Le Traon, Benoit Baudry: From Testing to Diagnosis: An Automated Approach. ASE 2004: 306-309
10EESébastien Gérard, Chokri Mraidha, François Terrier, Benoit Baudry: A UML-Based Concept for High Concurrency: The Real-Time Object. ISORC 2004: 64-67
9EEBenoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon, Gerson Sunyé, Jean-Marc Jézéquel: Measuring and Improving Design Patterns Testability. IEEE METRICS 2003: 50-
8EEYves Le Traon, Farid Ouabdesselam, Chantal Robach, Benoit Baudry: From diagnosis to diagnosability: axiomatization, measurement and application. Journal of Systems and Software 65(1): 31-50 (2003)
7EEBenoit Baudry, Franck Fleurey, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Yves Le Traon: Automatic Test Cases Optimization Using a Bacteriological Adaptation Model: Application to .NET Component. ASE 2002: 253-256
6EEBenoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon, Gerson Sunyé: Testability Analysis of a UML Class Diagram. IEEE METRICS 2002: 54-
5EEBenoit Baudry, Franck Fleurey, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Yves Le Traon: Genes and Bacteria for Automatic Test Cases Optimization in the .NET Environment. ISSRE 2002: 195-206
4EEBenoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon, Jean-Marc Jézéquel: Robustness and Diagnosability of OO Systems Designed by Contracts. IEEE METRICS 2001: 272-284
3EEBenoit Baudry, Yves Le Traon, Gerson Sunyé, Jean-Marc Jézéquel: Towards a 'Safe' Use of Design Patterns to Improve OO Software Testability. ISSRE 2001: 324-331
2EEBenoit Baudry, Vu Le Hanh, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Yves Le Traon: Building Trust into OO Components Using a Genetic Analogy. ISSRE 2000: 4-14
1EEBenoit Baudry, Vu Le Hanh, Yves Le Traon: Testing-for-Trust: The Genetic Selection Model Applied to Component Qualification. TOOLS (33) 2000: 108-119

Coauthor Index

1Olivier Barais [30] [34] [35]
2Erwan Breton [26]
3Erwan Brottier [20] [28]
4Siobhán Clarke [35]
5Alain Faivre [25]
6Franck Fleurey [5] [7] [11] [12] [14] [20] [21] [23] [26] [29] [31]
7Robert B. France [23] [29]
8Christophe Gaston [15]
9Sébastien Gérard (Sebastien Gerard) [10]
10Sudipto Ghosh [15] [23] [25] [29]
11Vu Le Hanh [1] [2]
12David Hearnden [17]
13Andrew Jackson [35]
14Jean-Marc Jézéquel [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [9] [12] [14] [16] [26]
15Jacques Klein [35]
16Jean-Marie Mottu [18] [22] [32]
17Tejeddine Mouelhi [31] [33]
18Chokri Mraidha [10]
19Freddy Munoz [30] [34] [36]
20Clémentine Nebut [27]
21Alain Nicolas [26]
22Bertrand Nicolas [28]
23Farid Ouabdesselam [8]
24Alexander Pretschner [25] [33]
25Nicolas Rapin [17]
26Raghu Reddy (Raghu Y. Reddy) [29]
27Chantal Robach [8]
28Sagar Sen [24] [32]
29Jim Steel [20]
30Gerson Sunyé [3] [6] [9]
31Jörn Guy Süß [17]
32François Terrier [10]
33David Touzet [28]
34Yves Le Traon [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [27] [28] [31] [33]
35Hans Vangheluwe [24]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)