2008 |
13 | EE | Jean-Rémy Falleri,
Marianne Huchard,
Clémentine Nebut:
A Generic Approach for Class Model Normalization.
ASE 2008: 431-434 |
12 | EE | Jean-Rémy Falleri,
Marianne Huchard,
Mathieu Lafourcade,
Clémentine Nebut:
Metamodel Matching for Automatic Model Transformation Generation.
MoDELS 2008: 326-340 |
11 | EE | Javier J. Gutiérrez,
Clémentine Nebut,
María José Escalona Cuaresma,
Manuel Mejías,
Isabel M. Ramos:
Visualization of Use Cases through Automatically Generated Activity Diagrams.
MoDELS 2008: 83-96 |
2007 |
10 | EE | Jean-Rémy Falleri,
Gabriela Arévalo,
Marianne Huchard,
Clémentine Nebut:
Use of Model Driven Engineering in Building Generic FCA/RCA Tools.
CLA 2007 |
9 | EE | Benoit Baudry,
Clémentine Nebut,
Yves Le Traon:
Model-Driven Engineering for Requirements Analysis.
EDOC 2007: 459-466 |
2006 |
8 | EE | Gabriela Arévalo,
Jean-Rémy Falleri,
Marianne Huchard,
Clémentine Nebut:
Building Abstractions in Class Models: Formal Concept Analysis in a Model-Driven Approach.
MoDELS 2006: 513-527 |
7 | EE | Clémentine Nebut,
Yves Le Traon,
Jean-Marc Jézéquel:
System Testing of Product Lines: From Requirements to Test Cases.
Software Product Lines 2006: 447-477 |
6 | EE | Clémentine Nebut,
Franck Fleurey,
Yves Le Traon,
Jean-Marc Jézéquel:
Automatic Test Generation: A Use Case Driven Approach.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 32(3): 140-155 (2006) |
2005 |
5 | EE | Clémentine Nebut,
Franck Fleurey:
Une méthode de formalisation progressive des exigences basée sur un modèle simulable.
L'OBJET 11(1-2): 145-158 (2005) |
2004 |
4 | EE | David Lugato,
Frédéric Maraux,
Yves Le Traon,
Véronique Normand,
Hubert Dubois,
Jean-Yves Pierron,
Jean-Pierre Gallois,
Clémentine Nebut:
Automated Functional Test Case Synthesis from THALES industrial Requirements.
IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium 2004: 104-111 |
2003 |
3 | EE | Clémentine Nebut,
Simon Pickin,
Yves Le Traon,
Jean-Marc Jézéquel:
Automated Requirements-based Generation of Test Cases for Product Families.
ASE 2003: 263-266 |
2 | EE | Clémentine Nebut,
Franck Fleurey,
Yves Le Traon,
Jean-Marc Jézéquel:
Requirements by Contracts allow Automated System Testing.
ISSRE 2003: 85-98 |
1 | EE | Clémentine Nebut,
Franck Fleurey,
Yves Le Traon,
Jean-Marc Jézéquel:
A Requirement-Based Approach to Test Product Families.
PFE 2003: 198-210 |