
Alexandro Baldassin

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4EEAlexandro Baldassin, Paulo Centoducatte, Sandro Rigo, Daniel C. Casarotto, Luiz C. V. dos Santos, Max R. de O. Schultz, Olinto J. V. Furtado: An open-source binary utility generator. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 13(2): (2008)
3EEFernando Kronbauer, Alexandro Baldassin, Bruno Albertini, Paulo Centoducatte, Sandro Rigo, Guido Araujo, Rodolfo Azevedo: A Flexible Platform Framework for Rapid Transactional Memory Systems Prototyping and Evaluation. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2007: 123-129
2EEAlexandro Baldassin, Paulo Centoducatte, Sandro Rigo, Daniel C. Casarotto, Luiz C. V. dos Santos, Max R. de O. Schultz, Olinto J. V. Furtado: Automatic Retargeting of Binary Utilities for Embedded Code Generation. ISVLSI 2007: 253-258
1EEAlexandro Baldassin, Paulo Centoducatte, Sandro Rigo: Extending the ArchC Language for Automatic Generation of Assemblers. SBAC-PAD 2005: 60-68

Coauthor Index

1Bruno Albertini [3]
2Guido Araujo [3]
3Rodolfo Azevedo [3]
4Daniel C. Casarotto [2] [4]
5Paulo Centoducatte [1] [2] [3] [4]
6Olinto J. V. Furtado [2] [4]
7Fernando Kronbauer [3]
8Sandro Rigo [1] [2] [3] [4]
9Luiz C. V. dos Santos [2] [4]
10Max R. de O. Schultz [2] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)