
Neil C. Audsley

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37EEJack Whitham, Neil C. Audsley: Using Trace Scratchpads to Reduce Execution Times in Predictable Real-Time Architectures. IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium 2008: 305-316
36EEJack Whitham, Neil C. Audsley: Forming Virtual Traces for WCET Analysis and Reduction. RTCSA 2008: 377-386
35EEJack Whitham, Neil C. Audsley: Traces as a Solution to Pessimism and Modeling Costs in WCET Analysis. WCET 2008
34EEMichael Ward, Neil C. Audsley: A Deterministic Implementation Process for Accurate and Traceable System Timing and Space Analysis. RTCSA 2007: 432-440
33EEPaul S. Usher, Neil C. Audsley: Efficiently Accessing Remote Resources in Distributed Real-Time Systems. RTCSA 2007: 57-62
32EEAmeet Patil, Neil C. Audsley: An Efficient Page Lock/Release OS Mechanism for Out-of-Core Embedded Applications. RTCSA 2007: 81-88
31EEJack Whitham, Neil C. Audsley: Integrating Custom Instruction Specifications into C Development Processes. ARC 2006: 431-442
30EENeil C. Audsley, Michael Ward: Syntax-driven implementation of software programming language control constructs and expressions on FPGAs. CASES 2006: 253-260
29EENeil C. Audsley, R. Gao, Ameet Patil: Towards a File System Interface for Mobile Resources in Networked Embedded Systems. ETFA 2006: 913-920
28EEJack Whitham, Neil C. Audsley: MCGREP - A Predictable Architecture for Embedded Real-Time Systems. RTSS 2006: 13-24
27EEKonstantinos Bletsas, Neil C. Audsley: Optimal priority assignment in the presence of blocking. Inf. Process. Lett. 99(3): 83-86 (2006)
26EEPaul S. Usher, Neil C. Audsley: Efficient Access of Remote Resources in Embedded Networked Computer Systems. EUC Workshops 2005: 632-641
25EEAmeet Patil, Neil C. Audsley: Implementing Application Specific RTOS Policies using Reflection. IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium 2005: 438-447
24EEKonstantinos Bletsas, Neil C. Audsley: Extended Analysis with Reduced Pessimism for Systems with Limited Parallelism. RTCSA 2005: 525-531
23EENeil C. Audsley, Konstantinos Bletsas: Fixed Priority Timing Analysis of Real-Time Systems with Limited Parallelism. ECRTS 2004: 231-238
22EEIain Bate, Neil C. Audsley: Flexible Design of Complex High-Integrity Systems Using Trade Offs. HASE 2004: 22-31
21 Neil C. Audsley, Steven Crook-Dawkins: Model driven architecture as a facilitator for automatic code generation. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2004: 505-510
20EENeil C. Audsley, Konstantinos Bletsas: Realistic Analysis of Limited Parallel Software / Hardware Implementations. IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium 2004: 388-395
19 Neil C. Audsley, Iain Bate, Steven Crook-Dawkins, John A. McDermid: Improving certification capability through automatic code generation. IFIP Congress Topical Sessions 2004: 511-520
18EENeil C. Audsley, R. E. Baker: A selection mechanism based upon the explicit expression of preference. WOSS 2004: 13-17
17EEMichael Ward, Neil C. Audsley: Language Issues of Compiling Ada to Hardware. Ada-Europe 2002: 88-99
16EEMichael Ward, Neil C. Audsley: Hardware implementation of the Ravenscar Ada tasking profile. CASES 2002: 59-68
15EEMichael Ward, Neil C. Audsley: Hardware Implementation of Programming Languages for Real-Tim. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 2002: 276-285
14EEMichael Ward, Neil C. Audsley: Hardware compilation of sequential Ada. CASES 2001: 99-107
13EEAlan Grigg, Neil C. Audsley: Reservation-Based Timing Analysis -A Practical Engineering Approach for Distributed Real-Time Systems. ECBS 2001: 103-110
12EEM. D. Bennett, Neil C. Audsley: Predictable and Efficient Virtual Addressing for Safety-Critical Real-Time Systems. ECRTS 2001: 183-190
11EENeil C. Audsley: On priority assignment in fixed priority scheduling. Inf. Process. Lett. 79(1): 39-44 (2001)
10EENeil C. Audsley, I. J. Bate, Alan Grigg: Portable Code for Complex Critical Systems . RTCSA 1999: 111-
9EENeil C. Audsley, Alan Burns: On Fixed Priority Scheduling, Offsets and Co-Prime Task Periods. Inf. Process. Lett. 67(2): 65-69 (1998)
8EENeil C. Audsley, I. J. Bate, Alan Burns: Putting fixed priority scheduling theory into engineering practice for safety critical applications. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 1996: 2-10
7EENeil C. Audsley, Andy J. Wellings: Analysing APEX applications. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1996: 39-44
6EEAlan Burns, Neil C. Audsley, Andy J. Wellings: Real-time distributed computing. FTDCS 1995: 34-40
5EERobert I. Davis, Sasikumar Punnekkat, Neil C. Audsley, Alan Burns: Flexible scheduling for adaptable real-time systems. IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 1995: 230-239
4 Neil C. Audsley, Alan Burns, Mike F. Richardson, Andy J. Wellings: Data Consistency in Hard Real-Time Systems. Informatica (Slovenia) 19(2): (1995)
3 Neil C. Audsley, Alan Burns, Robert I. Davis, Ken Tindell, Andy J. Wellings: Fixed Priority Pre-emptive Scheduling: An Historical Perspective. Real-Time Systems 8(2-3): 173-198 (1995)
2 Neil C. Audsley, Robert I. Davis, Alan Burns: Mechanisms for Enhancing the Flexibility and Utility of Hard Real-Time Systems. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1994: 12-21
1 Neil C. Audsley, Alan Burns, Mike F. Richardson, Andy J. Wellings: STRESS: a Simulator for Hard Real-time Systems. Softw., Pract. Exper. 24(6): 543-564 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1R. E. Baker [18]
2Iain Bate (I. J. Bate) [8] [10] [19] [22]
3M. D. Bennett [12]
4Konstantinos Bletsas [20] [23] [24] [27]
5Alan Burns [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9]
6Steven Crook-Dawkins [19] [21]
7Robert I. Davis [2] [3] [5]
8R. Gao [29]
9Alan Grigg [10] [13]
10John A. McDermid [19]
11Ameet Patil [25] [29] [32]
12Sasikumar Punnekkat [5]
13Mike F. Richardson [1] [4]
14Ken Tindell [3]
15Paul S. Usher [26] [33]
16Michael Ward [14] [15] [16] [17] [30] [34]
17Andy J. Wellings [1] [3] [4] [6] [7]
18Jack Whitham [28] [31] [35] [36] [37]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)