
Alexey V. Antonov

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10 Alexey V. Antonov, Sabine Dietmann, Hans-Werner Mewes: Consecutive KEGG Pathway Models for the Interpretation of High-throughput Genomics Data. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2008: 1-9
9EEAlexey V. Antonov, Hans-Werner Mewes: Complex phylogenetic profiling reveals fundamental genotype-phenotype associations. Computational Biology and Chemistry 32(6): 412-416 (2008)
8 Alexey V. Antonov, Hans-Werner Mewes: Revealing Comprehensive Genotype-Phenotype Associations through Logic Relationships. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2007: 185-197
7EEIgor V. Tetko, Vitaly P. Solov'ev, Alexey V. Antonov, Xiaojun Yao, Jean-Pierre Doucet, Bo Tao Fan, Frank Hoonakker, Denis Fourches, Piere Jost, Nicolas Lachiche, Alexandre Varnek: Benchmarking of Linear and Nonlinear Approaches for Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship Studies of Metal Complexation with Ionophores. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 46(2): 808-819 (2006)
6 Alexey V. Antonov, Igor V. Tetko, Denis Kosykh, Dimitrij Surmeli, Hans-Werner Mewes: Exploiting scale-free information from expression data for cancer classification. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2005: 93-102
5EEIgor V. Tetko, Barbara Brauner, Irmtraud Dunger-Kaltenbach, Goar Frishman, Corinna Montrone, Gisela Fobo, Andreas Ruepp, Alexey V. Antonov, Dimitrij Surmeli, Hans-Werner Mewes: MIPS bacterial genomes functional annotation benchmark dataset. Bioinformatics 21(10): 2520-2521 (2005)
4EEAlexey V. Antonov, Igor V. Tetko, Denis Kosykh, Dimitrij Surmeli, Hans-Werner Mewes: Exploiting scale-free information from expression data for cancer classification. Computational Biology and Chemistry 29(4): 288-293 (2005)
3EEAlexey V. Antonov, Igor V. Tetko, Volodymyr V. Prokopenko, Denis Kosykh, Hans-Werner Mewes: A web portal for classification of expression data using maximal margin linear programming. Bioinformatics 20(17): 3284-3285 (2004)
2EEAlexey V. Antonov, Igor V. Tetko, Michael T. Mader, Jan Budczies, Hans-Werner Mewes: Optimization models for cancer classification: extracting gene interaction information from microarray expression data. Bioinformatics 20(5): 644-652 (2004)
1 Alexey V. Antonov, Igor V. Tetko, Michael T. Mader, Jan Budczies, Hans-Werner Mewes: Exploiting gene interaction information from microarray expression data for cancer classification. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2003: 9-14

Coauthor Index

1Barbara Brauner [5]
2Jan Budczies [1] [2]
3Sabine Dietmann [10]
4Jean-Pierre Doucet [7]
5Irmtraud Dunger-Kaltenbach [5]
6Bo Tao Fan [7]
7Gisela Fobo [5]
8Denis Fourches [7]
9Goar Frishman [5]
10Frank Hoonakker [7]
11Piere Jost [7]
12Denis Kosykh [3] [4] [6]
13Nicolas Lachiche [7]
14Michael T. Mader [1] [2]
15Hans-Werner Mewes [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10]
16Corinna Montrone [5]
17Volodymyr V. Prokopenko [3]
18Andreas Ruepp [5]
19Vitaly P. Solov'ev [7]
20Dimitrij Surmeli [4] [5] [6]
21Igor V. Tetko [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
22Alexandre Varnek [7]
23Xiaojun Yao [7]

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