
Nicolas Lachiche

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15EEAriel Tchougang, Alexandre Blansché, Laurent A. Baumes, Nicolas Lachiche, Pierre Collet: Testing the CAX on a Real-World Problem and Other Benchmarks. PPSN 2008: 599-609
14 Sébastien Derivaux, Agnès Braud, Nicolas Lachiche: Prédiction de la solubilité d'une molécule à partir des seules données relationnelles. EGC 2006: 669-674
13EEIgor V. Tetko, Vitaly P. Solov'ev, Alexey V. Antonov, Xiaojun Yao, Jean-Pierre Doucet, Bo Tao Fan, Frank Hoonakker, Denis Fourches, Piere Jost, Nicolas Lachiche, Alexandre Varnek: Benchmarking of Linear and Nonlinear Approaches for Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship Studies of Metal Complexation with Ionophores. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 46(2): 808-819 (2006)
12EENicolas Lachiche: Good and Bad Practices in Propositionalisation. AI*IA 2005: 50-61
11EENicolas Lachiche, Jean Hommet, Jerzy J. Korczak, Agnès Braud: Neuronal Clustering of Brain fMRI Images. PReMI 2005: 300-305
10 José Hernández-Orallo, César Ferri, Nicolas Lachiche, Peter A. Flach: ROC Analysis in Artificial Intelligence, 1st International Workshop, ROCAI-2004, Valencia, Spain, August 22, 2004 ROCAI 2004
9EEPeter A. Flach, Nicolas Lachiche: Naive Bayesian Classification of Structured Data. Machine Learning 57(3): 233-269 (2004)
8EEJosé Hernández-Orallo, César Ferri, Nicolas Lachiche, Peter A. Flach: The 1st workshop on ROC analysis in artificial intelligence (ROCAI-2004). SIGKDD Explorations 6(2): 159-161 (2004)
7 Nicolas Lachiche, Peter A. Flach: Improving Accuracy and Cost of Two-class and Multi-class Probabilistic Classifiers Using ROC Curves. ICML 2003: 416-423
6EENicolas Lachiche, Peter A. Flach: 1BC2: A True First-Order Bayesian Classifier. ILP 2002: 133-148
5 Peter A. Flach, Nicolas Lachiche: Confirmation-Guided Discovery of First-Order Rules with Tertius. Machine Learning 42(1/2): 61-95 (2001)
4EEPeter A. Flach, Nicolas Lachiche: Decomposing Probability Distributions on Structured Individuals. ILP Work-in-progress reports 2000
3EEPeter A. Flach, Nicolas Lachiche: IBC: A First-Order Bayesian Classifier. ILP 1999: 92-103
2 Nicolas Lachiche, Pierre Marquis: Scope Classification: An Instance-Based Learning Algorithm with a Rule-Based Characterisation. ECML 1998: 268-279
1 Nicolas Lachiche, Pierre Marquis: A Model for Generalization Based on Confirmatory Induction. ECML 1997: 154-161

Coauthor Index

1Alexey V. Antonov [13]
2Laurent A. Baumes [15]
3Alexandre Blansché [15]
4Agnès Braud [11] [14]
5Pierre Collet [15]
6Sébastien Derivaux [14]
7Jean-Pierre Doucet [13]
8Bo Tao Fan [13]
9César Ferri (Cèsar Ferri Ramirez) [8] [10]
10Peter A. Flach [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
11Denis Fourches [13]
12José Hernández-Orallo [8] [10]
13Jean Hommet [11]
14Frank Hoonakker [13]
15Piere Jost [13]
16Jerzy J. Korczak [11]
17Pierre Marquis [1] [2]
18Vitaly P. Solov'ev [13]
19Ariel Tchougang [15]
20Igor V. Tetko [13]
21Alexandre Varnek [13]
22Xiaojun Yao [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)