
Bo Tao Fan

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21EEIgor V. Tetko, Vitaly P. Solov'ev, Alexey V. Antonov, Xiaojun Yao, Jean-Pierre Doucet, Bo Tao Fan, Frank Hoonakker, Denis Fourches, Piere Jost, Nicolas Lachiche, Alexandre Varnek: Benchmarking of Linear and Nonlinear Approaches for Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship Studies of Metal Complexation with Ionophores. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 46(2): 808-819 (2006)
20EEXiaojun Yao, Annick Panaye, Jean-Pierre Doucet, Ruisheng Zhang, Haifeng Chen, Mancang Liu, Zhide Hu, Bo Tao Fan: Comparative Study of QSAR/QSPR Correlations Using Support Vector Machines, Radial Basis Function Neural Networks, and Multiple Linear Regression. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 44(4): 1257-1266 (2004)
19EEC. X. Xue, Ruisheng Zhang, H. X. Liu, Mancang Liu, Zhide Hu, Bo Tao Fan: Support Vector Machines-Based Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship for the Prediction of Heat Capacity. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 44(4): 1267-1274 (2004)
18EEC. X. Xue, Ruisheng Zhang, H. X. Liu, Xiaojun Yao, Mancang Liu, Zhide Hu, Bo Tao Fan: QSAR Models for the Prediction of Binding Affinities to Human Serum Albumin Using the Heuristic Method and a Support Vector Machine. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 44(5): 1693-1700 (2004)
17EEH. X. Liu, C. X. Xue, Ruisheng Zhang, Xiaojun Yao, Mancang Liu, Zhide Hu, Bo Tao Fan: Quantitative Prediction of logk of Peptides in High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Based on Molecular Descriptors by Using the Heuristic Method and Support Vector Machine. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 44(6): 1979-1986 (2004)
16EEC. Y. Zhao, Ruisheng Zhang, H. X. Liu, C. X. Xue, S. G. Zhao, X. F. Zhou, Mancang Liu, Bo Tao Fan: Diagnosing Anorexia Based on Partial Least Squares, Back Propagation Neural Network, and Support Vector Machines. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 44(6): 2040-2046 (2004)
15EEH. X. Liu, Ruisheng Zhang, F. Luan, X. J. Yao, Mancang Liu, Z. D. Hu, Bo Tao Fan: Diagnosing Breast Cancer Based on Support Vector Machines. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 43(3): 900-907 (2003)
14EEH. X. Liu, Ruisheng Zhang, X. J. Yao, Mancang Liu, Z. D. Hu, Bo Tao Fan: QSAR Study of Ethyl 2-[(3-Methyl-2, 5-dioxo(3-pyrrolinyl))amino]-4-(trifluoromethyl) pyrimidine-5-carboxylate: An Inhibitor of AP-1 and NF-B Mediated Gene Expression Based on Support Vector Machines. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 43(4): 1288-1296 (2003)
13EEXiaojun Yao, Xiaoyun Zhang, Ruisheng Zhang, Mancang Liu, Zhide Hu, Bo Tao Fan: Radial Basis Function Neural Network Based QSPR for the Prediction of Critical Pressures of Substituted Benzenes. Computers & Chemistry 26(2): 159-169 (2002)
12EEQianfeng Li, Lijun Dong, Runping Jia, Xingguo Chen, Zhide Hu, Bo Tao Fan: Development of a Quantitative Structure-property Relationship Model for Predicting the Electrophoretic Mobilities. Computers & Chemistry 26(3): 245-251 (2002)
11EEJianhua Yao, Bo Tao Fan, Jean-Pierre Doucet, Annick Panaye, Jianfeng Li, Chuantao Sun, Shengang Yuan: SIRS-SS: A System for Simulating IR/Raman Spectra, 2. Procedures and Performance. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 42(2): 199-207 (2002)
10EEY. H. Xiang, Mancang Liu, X. Y. Zhang, Ruisheng Zhang, Z. D. Hu, Bo Tao Fan, Jean-Pierre Doucet, Annick Panaye: Quantitative Prediction of Liquid Chromatography Retention of N-Benzylideneanilines Based on Quantum Chemical Parameters and Radial Basis Function Neural Network. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 42(3): 592-597 (2002)
9EEXiaoyun Zhang, Jianhua Qi, Ruisheng Zhang, Mancang Liu, Zhide Hu, Huifeng Xue, Bo Tao Fan: Prediction of Programmed-temperature Retention Values of Naphthas by Wavelet Neural Networks. Computers & Chemistry 25(2): 125-133 (2001)
8EEXiaojun Yao, Xiaoyun Zhang, Ruisheng Zhang, Mancang Liu, Zhide Hu, Bo Tao Fan: Prediction of Enthalpy of Alkanes by the Use of Radial Basis Function Neural Networks. Computers & Chemistry 25(5): 475-482 (2001)
7EEJianhua Yao, Bo Tao Fan, Jean-Pierre Doucet, Annick Panaye, Shengang Yuan, Jianfeng Li: SIRS-SS: A System for Simulating IR/Raman Spectra. 1. Substructure/Subspectrum Correlation. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 41(4): 1046-1052 (2001)
6EEAixia Yan, Guimei Jiao, Zhide Hu, Bo Tao Fan: Use of Artificial Neural Networks to Predict the Gas Chromatographic Retention Index Data of Alkylbenzenes on Carbowax-20M. Computers & Chemistry 24(2): 171-179 (2000)
5EEMichel Petitjean, Bo Tao Fan, Annick Panaye, Jean-Pierre Doucet: Ring Perception: Proof of a Formula Calculating the Number of the Smallest Rings in Connected Graphs. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 40(4): 1015-1017 (2000)
4EEBo Tao Fan, Annick Panaye, Jean-Pierre Doucet: Comment on "Isomorphism, Automorphism Partitioning, and Canonical Labeling Can Be Solved in Polynomial-Time for Molecular Graphs". Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 39(3): 630-631 (1999)
3EEBo Tao Fan, Alain Barbu, Annick Panaye, Jean-Pierre Doucet: Detection of Constitutionally Equivalent Sites from a Connection Table. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 36(4): 654-659 (1996)
2EEAnnick Panaye, Jean-Pierre Doucet, Bo Tao Fan: Topological approach of carbon-13 NMR spectral simulation: Application to fuzzy substructures. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 33(2): 258-265 (1993)
1EEBo Tao Fan, Annick Panaye, Jean-Pierre Doucet, Alain Barbu: Ring perception. A new algorithm for directly finding the smallest set of smallest rings from a connection table. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 33(5): 657-662 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Alexey V. Antonov [21]
2Alain Barbu [1] [3]
3Haifeng Chen [20]
4Xingguo Chen [12]
5Lijun Dong [12]
6Jean-Pierre Doucet [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [10] [11] [20] [21]
7Denis Fourches [21]
8Frank Hoonakker [21]
9Z. D. Hu [10] [14] [15]
10Zhide Hu [6] [8] [9] [12] [13] [17] [18] [19] [20]
11Runping Jia [12]
12Guimei Jiao [6]
13Piere Jost [21]
14Nicolas Lachiche [21]
15Jianfeng Li [7] [11]
16Qianfeng Li [12]
17H. X. Liu [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
18Mancang Liu [8] [9] [10] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
19F. Luan [15]
20Annick Panaye [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [10] [11] [20]
21Michel Petitjean [5]
22Jianhua Qi [9]
23Vitaly P. Solov'ev [21]
24Chuantao Sun [11]
25Igor V. Tetko [21]
26Alexandre Varnek [21]
27Y. H. Xiang [10]
28C. X. Xue [16] [17] [18] [19]
29Huifeng Xue [9]
30Aixia Yan [6]
31Jianhua Yao [7] [11]
32X. J. Yao [14] [15]
33Xiaojun Yao [8] [13] [17] [18] [20] [21]
34Shengang Yuan [7] [11]
35Ruisheng Zhang [8] [9] [10] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
36X. Y. Zhang [10]
37Xiaoyun Zhang [8] [9] [13]
38C. Y. Zhao [16]
39S. G. Zhao [16]
40X. F. Zhou [16]

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