
M. Andrews

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6EEM. Andrews: Instability of the proportional fair scheduling algorithm for HDR. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3(5): 1422-1426 (2004)
5EEWolfgang Roethig, A. M. Zarkesh, M. Andrews: Power and Timing Modeling for ASIC Designs. DATE 1998: 969-970
4EED. Biggs, M. Andrews: Interative Blind Deconvolution of Extended Objects. ICIP (2) 1997: 454-457
3 David P. Anderson, Shin-Yuan Tzou, Robert Wahbe, Ramesh Govindan, M. Andrews: Support for Continuous Media in the DASH System. ICDCS 1990: 54-61
2EEM. Andrews, F. Lam: A new rapid prototyping firmware (RPF) tool. MICRO 1988: 94-96
1 Jack S. Walicki, M. Andrews: Parallel Implementation of the LMS Algorithm. ICPP 1985: 312-316

Coauthor Index

1David P. Anderson [3]
2D. Biggs [4]
3Ramesh Govindan [3]
4F. Lam [2]
5Wolfgang Roethig [5]
6Shin-Yuan Tzou [3]
7Robert Wahbe [3]
8Jack S. Walicki [1]
9A. M. Zarkesh [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)