
John Sargeant

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10EEJohn Sargeant, Chris C. Kirkham, Ian Watson: Exploiting Implicit Parallelism in Functional Programs with SLAM. IFL 2000: 19-36
9 John Sargeant, Chris C. Kirkham, Steve Anderson: Towards a Computational Model for UFO. IFIP PACT 1994: 299-308
8 John Sargeant: Uniting Functional and Object-Oriented Programming. ISOTAS 1993: 1-26
7 John Sargeant: Implicit Parallelism: The United Functions and Objects Approach. PARLE 1993: 120-131
6 A. P. Wim Böhm, John Sargeant: Code Optimization for Tagged-Token Dataflow Machines. IEEE Trans. Computers 38(1): 4-14 (1989)
5 Ian Watson, Viv Woods, Paul Watson, Richard Banach, Mark Greenberg, John Sargeant: Flagship: A Parallel Architecture for Declarative Programming. ISCA 1988: 124-130
4 Carlos A. Ruggiero, John Sargeant: Control of parallelism in the Manchester Dataflow Machine. FPCA 1987: 1-15
3 John R. Gurd, P. M. C. C. Barahona, A. P. Wim Böhm, Chris C. Kirkham, A. J. Parker, John Sargeant: Fine-Grain Parallel Computing: The Dataflow Approach. Future Parallel Computers 1986: 82-152
2 John Sargeant, Chris C. Kirkham: Stored Data Structures on the Manchester Dataflow Machine. ISCA 1986: 235-242
1 A. P. Wim Böhm, John R. Gurd, John Sargeant: Hardware and Software Enhancement of the Manchester Dataflow Machine. COMPCON 1985: 420-423

Coauthor Index

1Steve Anderson [9]
2Richard Banach [5]
3P. M. C. C. Barahona [3]
4A. P. Wim Böhm [1] [3] [6]
5Mark Greenberg [5]
6John R. Gurd [1] [3]
7Chris C. Kirkham [2] [3] [9] [10]
8A. J. Parker [3]
9Carlos A. Ruggiero [4]
10Ian Watson [5] [10]
11Paul Watson [5]
12Viv Woods [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)