
Mario Albrecht

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12EESven-Eric Schelhorn, Thomas Lengauer, Mario Albrecht: An integrative approach for predicting interactions of protein regions. ECCB 2008: 35-41
11EEAndreas Schlicker, Fidel Ramírez, Jörg Rahnenführer, Carola Huthmacher, Alejandro Pironti, Francisco S. Domingues, Thomas Lengauer, Mario Albrecht: Applications of semantic similarity measures. Ontologies and Text Mining for Life Sciences 2008
10EEYassen Assenov, Fidel Ramírez, Sven-Eric Schelhorn, Thomas Lengauer, Mario Albrecht: Computing topological parameters of biological networks. Bioinformatics 24(2): 282-284 (2008)
9EEDorothea Emig, Melissa S. Cline, Thomas Lengauer, Mario Albrecht: Integrating expression data with domain interaction networks. Bioinformatics 24(21): 2546-2548 (2008)
8EEDorothea Emig, Melissa S. Cline, Karsten Klein, Anne Kunert, Petra Mutzel, Thomas Lengauer, Mario Albrecht: Integrative Visual Analysis of the Effects of Alternative Splicing on Protein Domain Interaction Networks. J. Integrative Bioinformatics 5(2): (2008)
7EEAndreas Schlicker, Mario Albrecht: FunSimMat: a comprehensive functional similarity database. Nucleic Acids Research 36(Database-Issue): 434-439 (2008)
6EEAndreas Schlicker, Carola Huthmacher, Fidel Ramírez, Thomas Lengauer, Mario Albrecht: Functional evaluation of domain-domain interactions and human protein interaction networks. Bioinformatics 23(7): 859-865 (2007)
5EEMario Albrecht, Carola Huthmacher, Silvio C. E. Tosatto, Thomas Lengauer: Decomposing protein networks into domain-domain interactions. ECCB/JBI 2005: 221
4 Mario Albrecht, Thomas Lengauer: Pyranose Oxidase Identified as A Member of the GMC Oxidoreductase Family. Bioinformatics 19(10): 1216-1220 (2003)
3 Mario Albrecht, Thomas Lengauer, Stefan Schreiber: Disease-associated variants in PYPAF1 and NOD2 result in similar alterations of conserved sequence. Bioinformatics 19(17): 2171-2175 (2003)
2EEMario Albrecht, Daniel Hanisch, Ralf Zimmer, Thomas Lengauer: Improving fold recognition of protein threading by experimental distance constraints. In Silico Biology 2: 30 (2002)
1 Mario Albrecht, Daniel Hanisch, Ralf Zimmer, Thomas Lengauer: Improving Fold Recognition of Protein Threading by Experimental Distance Constraints. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2001: 68-77

Coauthor Index

1Yassen Assenov [10]
2Melissa S. Cline [8] [9]
3Francisco S. Domingues [11]
4Dorothea Emig [8] [9]
5Daniel Hanisch [1] [2]
6Carola Huthmacher [5] [6] [11]
7Karsten Klein [8]
8Anne Kunert [8]
9Thomas Lengauer [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
10Petra Mutzel [8]
11Alejandro Pironti [11]
12Jörg Rahnenführer [11]
13Fidel Ramírez [6] [10] [11]
14Sven-Eric Schelhorn [10] [12]
15Andreas Schlicker [6] [7] [11]
16Stefan Schreiber [3]
17Silvio C. E. Tosatto [5]
18Ralf Zimmer [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)