
Yoshiaki Akazawa

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5EEHiromichi Fukutake, Yoshiaki Akazawa, Yoshihiro Okada, Koichi Niijima: 3D Object Layout by Voice Commands Based on Contact Constraints. CGIV 2005: 403-408
4 Yoshiaki Akazawa, Yoshihiro Okada, Koichi Niijima: 3D Scene Generation System and Its Intuitive Interface. GAME-ON 2003: 152-
3EEYoshihiro Okada, Yoshiaki Akazawa, Koichi Niijima: Manipulation using Magnet Metahpor for 2D and 3D Integrated Toolkit systems. ICAT 2003
2EEYoshiaki Akazawa, Yoshihiro Okada, Koichi Niijima: Video Based Motion Capture System as Intuitive Interface. Int. J. Intell. Games & Simulation 2(2): 64-71 (2003)
1EEYoshiaki Akazawa, Yoshihiro Okada, Koichi Niijima: Robust Tracking Algorithm Based on Color and Edge Distribution for Real-time Video Based Motion Capture Systems. MVA 2002: 60-63

Coauthor Index

1Hiromichi Fukutake [5]
2Koichi Niijima [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Yoshihiro Okada [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)