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A. Hamid Aghvami
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2008 | ||
70 | EE | Toktam Mahmoodi, Vasilis Friderikos, Oliver Holland, Hamid Aghvami: Cross-Layer Optimization to Maximize Fairness Among TCP Flows of Different TCP Flavors. GLOBECOM 2008: 5080-5085 |
69 | EE | Alireza Attar, Mohammad Reza Nakhai, A. Hamid Aghvami: Cognitive Radio Game: A Framework for Efficiency, Fairness and QoS Guarantee. ICC 2008: 4170-4174 |
68 | EE | Alireza Attar, Oliver Holland, Mohammad Reza Nakhai, A. Hamid Aghvami: Interference Management in Shared Spectrum for WiMAX Systems. VTC Spring 2008: 1620-1624 |
67 | EE | Konstantinos Samdanis, A. Hamid Aghvami: Dynamic Partitioning for Hierarchical Cellular Networks. VTC Spring 2008: 2031-2035 |
66 | EE | Sampath N. Ranasinghe, A. Dev Pragad, Lamia Benmesbah, Vasilis Friderikos, Hamid Aghvami: Analysis of Proxy Assisted P2P Services. VTC Spring 2008: 2774-2778 |
65 | EE | Laura Guerrero, Fatin Said, Afzal Lodhi, A. Hamid Aghvami: Performance Analysis of Distributed CDD MC-CDMA Sensor Networks with Frequency-Correlated Subcarriers over Nakagami-m Fading Channels. VTC Spring 2008: 81-85 |
64 | EE | Laura Guerrero, Fatin Said, Afzal Lodhi, A. Hamid Aghvami: Throughput of Distributed Cyclic Delay Diversity MC-CDMA Relaying over Nakagami-m Fading Channels. WCNC 2008: 76-81 |
63 | EE | Merat Shahidi, Abdelhak Attou, Hamid Aghvami: Content adaptation: requirements and architecture. iiWAS 2008: 626-629 |
62 | EE | Alireza Attar, Seyed Ali Ghorashi, M. Sooriyabandara, A. Hamid Aghvami: Challenges of real-time secondary usage of spectrum. Computer Networks 52(4): 816-830 (2008) |
61 | EE | Alireza Attar, Mohammad Reza Nakhai, A. Hamid Aghvami: Cognitive Radio Transmission Based on Direct Sequence MC-CDMA. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(4): 1157-1162 (2008) |
60 | EE | Ronan de Renesse, Piyush Khengar, Vasilis Friderikos, A. Hamid Aghvami: Quality of service adaptation in mobile ad hoc networks. IJSNET 4(4): 238-249 (2008) |
59 | EE | Sampath N. Ranasinghe, Vasilis Friderikos, Hamid Aghvami: Dynamic proxy assisted mobility support for third generation peer-to-peer networks. J. Network and Computer Applications 31(2): 163-178 (2008) |
2007 | ||
58 | EE | A. Dev Pragad, Vasilis Friderikos, Paul Pangalos, A. Hamid Aghvami: The Impact of Mobility Agent Based Micro Mobility on the Capacity of Wireless Access Networks. GLOBECOM 2007: 4994-4999 |
57 | EE | George Kamel, Andrej Mihailovic, Paul Pangalos, A. Hamid Aghvami: Cost-Optimal QoS Aggregation for Network Mobility. GLOBECOM 2007: 5006-5010 |
56 | Andreas Aristidou, Paul Pangalos, Hamid Aghvami: Tracking Multiple Sports Players for Mobile Display. IPCV 2007: 53-59 | |
55 | EE | Toktam Mahmoodi, Vasilis Friderikos, Oliver Holland, A. Hamid Aghvami: Cross-Layer Design to Improve Wireless TCP Performance with Link-Layer Adaptation. VTC Fall 2007: 1504-1508 |
54 | EE | Konstantinos Boukis, Hamid Aghvami: A Reconfigurable Mobile Terminal Software Architecture for QoS Signaling. VTC Fall 2007: 1553-1557 |
53 | EE | Oliver Holland, Toktam Mahmoodi, A. Hamid Aghvami: A Software Download Management Module. VTC Fall 2007: 1984-1989 |
52 | EE | Paul Pangalos, Juan Martin De La Torre Velver, Mohammad Dashti, Ali Dashti, Hamid Aghvami: Confirming Connectivity in Interworked Broadcast and Mobile Networks. IEEE Network 21(2): 13-20 (2007) |
51 | EE | Kazuo Mori, Katsuhiro Naito, Hideo Kobayashi, Hamid Aghvami: Asymmetric Traffic Accommodation Using Adaptive Cell Sizing Technique for CDMA/FDD Cellular Packet Communications. IEICE Transactions 90-A(7): 1271-1279 (2007) |
50 | EE | Khodayar Sarfaraz, Seyed Ali Ghorashi, Mohammad Ghavami, Hamid Aghvami: On the Coexistence of DS-UWB Systems with Wi-Max/IEEE-802.16 Based Systems. IEICE Transactions 90-B(2): 251-259 (2007) |
49 | EE | Abubaker Khumsi, Kazuo Mori, Katsuhiro Naito, Hideo Kobayashi, Hamid Aghvami: Downlink Packet Transmission Control Based on Soft Handoff Status in CDMA Cellular Packet Networks. IEICE Transactions 90-B(5): 1252-1256 (2007) |
48 | EE | Vasilis Friderikos, A. Hamid Aghvami: TCP-friendly MPEG-4 streaming video in CDMA networks via power and rate control. IJWMC 2(2/3): 212-223 (2007) |
47 | EE | Nima Nafisi, Lin Wang, Hamid Aghvami, Ramon Ferrús, Xavier Revés: IP micromobility and QoS virtual network testbed. Int. Journal of Network Management 17(4): 307-319 (2007) |
2006 | ||
46 | EE | T. Al Mosawi, Dave Wisely, Hamid Aghvami: A Novel Micro Mobility Solution Based on Media Independent Handover and SIP. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5 |
45 | EE | Afzal Lodhi, Fatin Said, Mischa Dohler, A. Hamid Aghvami: An Error Probability Analysis of STBC MC-CDMA with Frequency-Correlated Subcarriers. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5 |
44 | EE | Afzal Lodhi, Fatin Said, Mischa Dohler, A. Hamid Aghvami: Exact Bit Error Probability of CDD MC-CDMA System with Frequency-Correlated Subcarriers. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5 |
43 | EE | Vasilis Friderikos, Katerina Papadaki, Dave Wisely, A. Hamid Aghvami: Non-Independent Randomized Rounding for Link Scheduling in Wireless Mesh Networks. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5 |
42 | EE | Konstantinos Boukis, Nikos Georganopoulos, Hamid Aghvami: The Reconfigurable IP Mobility Component: Evaluation of Single Protocol Operation. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5 |
41 | EE | Konstantinos Voulgaris, Athanasios Gkelias, Imran Ashraf, Mischa Dohler, A. Hamid Aghvami: Throughput Analysis of Wireless CSMA/CD for a Finite User Population. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5 |
40 | EE | Leila Musavian, Mohammad Reza Nakhai, A. Hamid Aghvami: Capacity of Space Time Block Codes with Adaptive Transmission in Correlated Rayleigh Fading Channels. VTC Spring 2006: 1511-1515 |
39 | EE | Mischa Dohler, Marylin Arndt, Dominique Barthel, Afzal Lodhi, A. Hamid Aghvami: Closed-Form Symbol Error Probabilities of Distributed Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes. VTC Spring 2006: 1908-1912 |
38 | EE | Ronan de Renesse, Vasilis Friderikos, Hamid Aghvami: Towards Providing Adaptive Quality of Service in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. VTC Spring 2006: 518-522 |
37 | EE | Mona Ghassemian, Philipp Hofmann, Vasilis Friderikos, Christian Prehofer, A. Hamid Aghvami: An Optimised Gateway Selection Mechanism for Wireless Ad hoc Networks Connected to the Internet. VTC Spring 2006: 782-787 |
36 | EE | Assen Golaup, Hamid Aghvami: A multimedia traffic modeling framework for simulation-based performance evaluation studies. Computer Networks 50(12): 2071-2087 (2006) |
35 | EE | Katerina Papadaki, Vasilis Friderikos, Hamid Aghvami: Exploiting mobility diversity in rate adaptive CDMA networks. Computers & Electrical Engineering 32(1-3): 65-77 (2006) |
34 | EE | Oliver Holland, A. Hamid Aghvami: Dynamic Switching between One-to-Many Download Methods in "All-IP" Cellular Networks. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 5(3): 274-287 (2006) |
33 | EE | Nikos I. Passas, Sarantis Paskalis, Alexandros Kaloxylos, Faouzi Bader, Renato Narcisi, Evangelos Tsontsis, Adil S. Jahan, Hamid Aghvami, Máirtín O'Droma, Ivan Ganchev: Enabling technologies for the "always best connected" concept. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 6: 523-540 (2006) |
32 | EE | Nikos I. Passas, Sarantis Paskalis, Alexandros Kaloxylos, Faouzi Bader, Renato Narcisi, Evangelos Tsontsis, Adil S. Jahan, Hamid Aghvami: Retracted and replaced: Enabling technologies for the "always best connected" concept. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 6: 541 (2006) |
2005 | ||
31 | EE | Lin Wang, Vasilis Friderikos, Mikio Iwamura, Nima Nafisi, Hamid Aghvami, Mischa Dohler: DiffServ Aware Link Adaptation for CDMA Radio Systems. QSHINE 2005: 52 |
30 | EE | Mona Ghassemian, Vasilis Friderikos, A. Hamid Aghvami: A Generic Algorithm to Improve the Performance of Proactive Ad Hoc Mechanisms. WOWMOM 2005: 362-367 |
29 | EE | Daniel Morris, Paul Pangalos, A. Hamid Aghvami: Mobile Terminal Location Discovery Schemes for a 'Beyond 3G' Inter-Worked Network. WOWMOM 2005: 401-406 |
28 | EE | Lin Wang, A. Hamid Aghvami, William G. Chambers: Design issues of uplink media access control (MAC) protocols for multimedia traffic over DS-CDMA systems. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 7(3): 551-562 (2005) |
27 | EE | Mischa Dohler, Hamid Aghvami: On the approximation of MIMO capacity. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 4(1): 30-34 (2005) |
26 | EE | Stéphane Ciolino, Mohammad Ghavami, Hamid Aghvami: On the Use of Wavelet Packets in Ultra Wideband Pulse Shape Modulation Systems. IEICE Transactions 88-A(9): 2310-2317 (2005) |
25 | EE | Elaheh Homayounvala, A. Hamid Aghvami: User Preference Modelling for Access Selection in Multiple Radio Access Environments. IEICE Transactions 88-B(11): 4186-4193 (2005) |
24 | EE | Nikos I. Passas, Sarantis Paskalis, Alexandros Kaloxylos, Faouzi Bader, Renato Narcisi, Evangelos Tsontsis, Adil S. Jahan, Hamid Aghvami: Enabling technologies for the 'always best connected' concept. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 5(2): 175-191 (2005) |
23 | EE | Vasilis Friderikos, Lin Wang, Mikio Iwamura, Hamid Aghvami: Color-aware power and rate adaptation in IP-based CDMA radio access networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 5(4): 407-420 (2005) |
2004 | ||
22 | EE | Elaheh Homayounvala, Hamid Aghvami: Performance Evaluation of Personal Agent Migration Policies in an Ambient Use Case Scenario. EUSAI 2004: 25-36 |
21 | EE | Vasilis Friderikos, Lin Wang, Mikio Iwamura, Hamid Aghvami: A Rate Adaptation Scheme for out of Profile Packets in a DiffServ Enabled CDMA Network. HSNMC 2004: 446-458 |
20 | EE | Mischa Dohler, Athanasios Gkelias, Hamid Aghvami: Throughput of Distributed-MIMO Multi-stage Communication Networks over Ergodic Channels. ICT 2004: 450-460 |
19 | EE | Konstantinos Samdanis, Vasilis Friderikos, Hamid Aghvami: Quality of service routing (QoSR) interactions with the BRAIN candidate micro-mobility protocol (BCMP). Mobility Management & Wireless Access Protocols 2004: 35-42 |
18 | EE | Bongkyo Moon, A. Hamid Aghvami: Quality-of-service mechanisms in all-IP wireless access networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22(5): 873-888 (2004) |
17 | EE | Mischa Dohler, Athanasios Gkelias, Hamid Aghvami: Resource allocation for FDMA-based regenerative multihop links. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 3(6): 1989-1993 (2004) |
2003 | ||
16 | EE | Nikos Georganopoulos, Hamid Aghvami: Performance Evaluation of Transport Protocols with Local Mobility Management. PWC 2003: 251-260 |
15 | EE | Stephane Antoine, Ming Wei, Hamid Aghvami: MobiCom poster: impact of mobile IPv6 handover on the performance of TCP: an experimental Testbed. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 7(1): 31-33 (2003) |
14 | EE | Mohsen Guizani, Hamid Aghvami, Mounir Hamdi, Michele Zorzi: Editorial. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3(1): 1-2 (2003) |
13 | EE | Hamid Aghvami, Mohsen Guizani, Mounir Hamdi, Michele Zorzi: Editorial. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3(3): 291-292 (2003) |
2002 | ||
12 | EE | Chung W. Hwang, Hamid Aghvami: Radio Access Network Selection Scheme for Software Defined Radio. CDMA International Conference 2002: 113-118 |
11 | EE | A. Abella, Vasilis Friderikos, Hamid Aghvami: Differentiated services versus over-provisioned best-effort for pure-IP mobile networks. MWCN 2002: 450-457 |
10 | EE | Hamid Aghvami, Mohsen Guizani, Mounir Hamdi, Michele Zorzi: Editorial. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2(2): 113-114 (2002) |
9 | EE | Mohsen Guizani, Hamid Aghvami, Mounir Hamdi, Michele Zorzi: Editorial. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2(4): 317-318 (2002) |
2001 | ||
8 | EE | Mohsen Guizani, Hamid Aghvami, Mounir Hamdi, Michele Zorzi: Launching WCMC. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 1(1): 1-2 (2001) |
7 | EE | Mohsen Guizani, Hamid Aghvami, Mounir Hamdi, Michele Zorzi: Editorial. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 1(2): 123- (2001) |
6 | EE | Daniel Ralph, Hamid Aghvami: Wireless application protocol overview. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 1(2): 125-140 (2001) |
5 | EE | Hamid Aghvami, Mohsen Guizani, Mounir Hamdi, Michele Zorzi: Editorial. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 1(4): 337-338 (2001) |
1998 | ||
4 | Hamid Aghvami, Paramvir Bahl, Fumio Watanabe: Editorial - Mobile Multimedia Communications. MONET 3(1): 1-3 (1998) | |
1997 | ||
3 | C. Noblet, Babak Jafarian, Hamid Aghvami: Quality of service and Overload Concepts in Wireless Multimedia Networks based on Cellular ATM. ICC (3) 1997: 1458-1462 | |
1996 | ||
2 | Alex E. Brand, Hamid Aghvami: Performance of a Joint CDMA/PRMA Protocol for Mixed Voice/Data Transmission for Third Generation Mobile Communication. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 14(9): 1698-1707 (1996) | |
1992 | ||
1 | Hamid Aghvami, Orhan Gemikonakli, Shuzo Kato: Transmission of SDH Signals Through Future Satellite Channels Using High-Level Modulation Techniques. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 10(6): 1030-1036 (1992) |